Enhanced expression of CD74 in gastrointestinal cancers and benign tissues

Autor: David V, Gold, Rhona, Stein, Jack, Burton, David M, Goldenberg
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: International journal of clinical and experimental pathology. 4(1)
ISSN: 1936-2625
Popis: CD74, a transmembrane glycoprotein that associates with MHC II, is an important chaperone that regulates antigen presentation for immune response. In addition, CD74 is the receptor for macrophage migration-inhibitory factor which, when bound to CD74, initiates survival pathways and cell proliferation. Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded clinical specimens were evaluated by immunohistochemical procedures for expression of CD74. Overall, expression of CD74 within gastrointestinal carcinomas showed a statistically greater expression than in the normal tissue counterparts (P
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