[Properties of immobilized complexes of Streptomyces griseus proteases on different carriers]

Autor: A L, Loseva, S V, Verbilenko
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Ukrainskii biokhimicheskii zhurnal (1. 51(4)
ISSN: 0201-8470
Popis: A complex of Str. griseus proteases was obtained. The proteases were immobilized on Sephadex G-200 and agarose by the bromo-cyanogen method and on the microcrystalline cellulose by means of TiCl3. The enzymic complex immobilized on different carriers possesses the proteolytic activity of a wide specificity. Due to addition to different carriers the activity of certain enzymes producing the complex varies. The immobilized complex is shown to be more stable in the alkaline zone. The immobilized complex is shown to be more stable in the alkaline zone. The temperature optimum of the activity of the immobilized forms is higher than in the initial enzyme and is 70--75 degrees C. Under multiple application of the immobilized forms of the protease complex the preparation obtained on Sephadix G-200 by the bromo-cyanogen method is most stable: it retains 70% of initial activity after 10-repeated applications.
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