[Proposals to adapt the protection of children to the realities of today]

Autor: P, Pillet, I, Corpart, C, Briand, F, Dubreuil, F, Eudier, S, Euillet, P-E, Gruas, M-C, Le Boursicot, A, Oui, C, Sellenet, G, Séraphin, A, Gouttenoire
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie. 21(12)
ISSN: 1769-664X
Popis: The report titled "40 propositions pour adapter la protection de l'enfance et l'adoption aux réalités d'aujourd'hui" ("Forty proposals to adapt protection of children to the realities of today") was presented in February 2014 by the "Protection de l'enfance et adoption" working group to the Minister for Family Affairs within the framework of the preparation of the French family law. The medical field is an important link in the chain of child protection. Of the 40 proposals, particular attention was paid to the identification of children at risk and to improving the protection of newborns (shaken baby syndrome, unexpected infant death) and to adoption issues.
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