Autor: N V, Gunko, O M, Ivanova, N V, Korotkova, V B, Buderatska, Z N, Boiko, S V, Masiuk, A A, Melekestseva
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 27
ISSN: 2313-4607
Popis: to determine the current radiationecological and medicaldemographic parameters of the territories of Chernihivska oblast of Ukraine, which were recognized as radioactively contaminated as a result of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident, and to assess their changes in the postaccident period.The parameters of contamination of natural environments (soil, food products), both with number, structure, natural and migratory movement of population of radioactively contaminated territories of Chernihivska oblast of Ukraine (Kozeletskyi, Koriukivskyi, NovhorodSiverskyi, Ripkynskyi, Semenivskyi, Sosnytskyi, and Chernihivskyi districts) were the study objects.Data from the Chernihiv Regional Office of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine,Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Chernihiv Regional State Administration, and CentralEnvironmental Dosimetry Register of the State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» were used. General scientific, mathematicalstatistical, graphic, cartographic, and softwaretechnological research methods are applied.After the accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant the largescale radioecological monitoring was conducted on the territory of Chernihivska oblast, where a significant improvement in the state of radioactively contaminated areas had been observed. The number of settlements where the soil contamination density with cesium isotopes exceeded the lower limit for the zone of guaranteed voluntary resettlement (185 kBq*m2) has decreased from 8 to 1. The average regional concentration of 137Cs in milk mostly did not exceed 50 Bq*l1. The average concentration of 137Cs in potatoes from private households over the entire observation period was 5-10 times lower than in milk. Analysis of medical and demographic data allowed concluding that the districts of Chernihivska oblast, which were most intensively contaminated after the Chornobyl accident, feature now some regional problems. There are trends towards population decline and birth rate decrease along with increase in mortality. The most intensive changes had occurred in Kozeletskyi and Ripkynskyi districts, where destructive processes in the age structure of population and a stable trend of increase of mortality rates were revealed. Research should be continued.Meta: vyznachyty suchasni radiatsiĭnoekologichni ta medykodemografichni parametry terytoriĭ Chernigivs'koï oblasti Ukraïny, shcho buly vyznani radioaktyvno zabrudnenymy vnaslidok avariï na ChAES, i otsinyty ïkhni zminy za pisliaavariĭnyĭ period.Ob’iekty ta metody doslidzhennia. Ob’iektom doslidzhennia buly pokaznyky zabrudnennia ob’iektiv dovkillia (ґrunty, produkty kharchuvannia), chysel'nosti ta struktury, pryrodnogo ta migratsiĭnogo rukhu naselennia radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriĭ Chernigivs'koï oblasti Ukraïny (Kozelets'kyĭ, Koriukivs'kyĭ, Novgorod Sivers'kyĭ, Ripkyns'kiĭ, Semenivs'kyĭ, Sosnyts'kyĭ, Chernigivs'kyĭ raĭony).Materialy i metody doslidzhennia. Vykorystano dani Chernigivs'kogo regional'nogo predstavnytstva Derzhavnoï sluzhby statystyky Ukraïny, Departamentu ekologiï ta pryrodnykh resursiv Chernigivs'koï oblasnoï derzhavnoï administratsiï i Tsentral'nogo ekologodozymetrychnogo reiestru derzhavnoï ustanovy «Natsional'nyĭ naukovyĭ tsentr radiatsiĭnoï medytsyny Natsional'noï akademiï medychnykh nauk Ukraïny». Zastosovano zagal'nonaukovi, matematykostatystychni, grafichni, kartografichni, programnotekhnologichni metody doslidzhennia. Rezul'taty ĭ vysnovky. Pislia avariï na ChAES na terytoriï Chernigivs'koï oblasti tryvav shyrokomasshtabnyĭ radioekologichnyĭ monitoryng i sposterigalosia znachne pokrashchennia stanu radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriĭ.Kil'kist' naselenykh punktiv, u iakykh shchil'nist' zabrudnennia ґruntiv izotopamy tseziiu perevyshchuie nyzhniu mezhu zony garantovanogo dobrovil'nogo vidselennia (185 kBk*m2), skorotylas' z 8 do 1. Seredn'oraĭonna kontsentratsiia 137Cs v molotsi v osnovnomu ne perevyshchuvala 50 Bk·l1. Serednia kontsentratsiia 137Cs u kartopli pryvatnykh domogospodarstv za ves' period sposterezhen' bula u 5–10 raziv menshoiu, nizh u molotsi. Analiz medykodemografichnykh danykh dozvoliaie zrobyty vysnovok, shcho raĭonam Chernigivs'koï oblasti, iaki naĭbil'she postrazhdaly vnaslidok Chornobyl's'koï avariï, prytamanni zagal'nooblasni problemy: tendentsiï do znyzhennia liudnosti ta narodzhuvanosti ĭ zbil'shennia smertnosti. Naĭbil'sh intensyvni zminy vidbulysia u Kozelets'komu ta Ripkyns'komu raĭonakh, de vyiavleno destruktyvni protsesy u vikoviĭ strukturi naselennia ta stabil'nu tendentsiiu do zrostannia rivniv smertnosti. Doslidzhennia neobkhidno prodovzhuvaty.
Databáze: OpenAIRE