Beat Those Bugs! Implementing contact precautions in community dialysis units for closer-to-home care

Autor: Jim, Curtin, Carole, Dalziel
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: The Canadian journal of infection control : the official journal of the CommunityHospital Infection Control Association-Canada = Revue canadienne de prevention des infections. 25(1)
ISSN: 1183-5702
Popis: "Beat Those Bugs!" was the call to action for the Providence Health Care Renal and Infection Prevention and Control programs to provide closer-to-home care in community dialysis units, for hemodialysis patients positive for the antibiotic-resistant organisms, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus. The initiative assessed barriers and facilitators to: implementing Contact Precautions; developing practice standards for nurses and renal technicians to enact Contact Precautions care; providing staff and patient education essential to implementing these standards; and, securing environmental and equipment supports required for Contact Precautions care. Through the "Beat Those Bugs!" initiative, all six Providence Health Care Community Dialysis Units have the capacity to provide Standard/ Routine as well as Contact Precautions care enabling patients to receive closer-to-home care in their home communities regardless of their antibiotic-resistant microorganism status. Program evaluation (based on annual screening) demonstrates that the "Beat Those Bugs!" program is an effective model for safe, evidence-based and ethical care in the hemodialysis setting.
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