Addressing the global challenge of access to supplies during COVID-19

Autor: Peters, Alexandra, Guitart, Chloé, Pittet, Didier
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Environmental and Health Management of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19 )
Popis: The current COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for health care facilities worldwide. Global production and shipping routes were disrupted, and health care institutions, even in high resource areas, found themselves lacking the basic supplies for effective infection prevention and control. One major hurdle was the global access to supplies, particularly N95/FFP2 masks and alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) for performing hand hygiene. This chapter explores how the lack of masks and ABHR were addressed through local production and the disinfection and reuse of disposable N95 masks. Although the global situation is no longer dire, the pandemic is currently still underway, and access to sufficient and high-quality supplies still is an important challenge faced by health care institutions. Previously, local production was mainly promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a social business venture for helping developing countries. Disposable mask reuse was barely studied until this pandemic, because there was never really a need to. Thus the literature in these fields are mostly quite new. This chapter reviews the introduction and state of the art of the field, the evidence for hand hygiene and masking in the literature, the global situation since the pandemic and strategies that countries have taken to adapt. It then concentrates further on the specifics of local production, both for ABHR and for masks, and on the issues surrounding mask reuse. The chapter concludes with putting these technologies in the larger context of the pandemic, and how learning how the world tried to implement solutions can teach us lessons for future emergencies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE