Dynamic Adaptive Communication Strategy for Fully Immersive, Interactive and Collaborative Virtual Reality Applications

Autor: Freitas, Adjeryan Cartaxo, Dias, Diego Roberto Colombo, Brandão, Alexandre Fonseca, de Fátima Rodrigues Guimarães, Rita, de Paiva Guimarães, Marcelo
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020
Popis: An online meeting allows people with a common purpose to discuss ideas, goals, and objectives, regardless of national and international boundaries. Using internet technologies, users can communicate with others at remote locations without leaving their offices. However, internet communication can show considerable variation in terms of packet loss, time variation, and delay. This paper presents a strategy for dynamically adapting communication between fully immersive, interactive, and collaborative virtual reality applications. Our strategy is implemented based on the optimal path forest classifier, allowing us to analyze the network communication and to provide parameters for the application communication library to perform dynamic adaptation. We also present the GClassifier tool, which is used to implement this strategy, and some test results.
Databáze: OpenAIRE