Chapter 15. Athenian Sculpture in Transition: Two Statue Bases Signed by Demetrios of Alopeke (IG, II2, 4895 and SEG, 12, 61)

Autor: Keesling, Catherine M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Ad veritatem Lysippum et Praxitelen accessisse optime affirmant. Nam Demetrius tamquam nimius in ea reprehenditur et fuit similitudinis quam pulchritudinis amantior (Quintillian, Instit. Orat., 12, 10, 9)“Lysippus and Praxiteles are said to have achieved the best approximation to reality; Demetrius is criticized for carrying realism too far, for he was more concerned with likeness than with beauty” (trans. Donald A. Russell) Despite the fact that no works of the Athenian sculptor Demetrios of...
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