Pfandregelungen für Plastikflaschen in Europa

Autor: Habibi Rad, Mehdi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: t Die Verabschiedung von EU-Richtlinien zur Schaffung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft und des Wachstums des Recyclings, insbesondere mit einer Zielrate von 77% für PET-Plastikflaschen bis 2025 (und bis zu 90% bis 2029), hat zu einer sehr wichtigen Herausforderung in Europa geführt. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Sammel- und Recyclingrate von Kunststoffverpackungen in Europa niedriger ist als bei anderen recycelten Materialien. Daher wurde das Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS) als schnelles und effizientes System zum Sammeln, Sortieren und Recycling von Plastikflaschen, Glasflaschen und Dosen im Vergleich zu anderen vorgeschlagenen Lösungen vorgeschlagen. Zu den Hauptgründen und -vorteilen der DRS-Implementierung in Europa gehören: Verringerung der Umweltverschmutzung, Erhöhung des Anreizes bei den Verbrauchern, Flaschen zum Recycling zurückzugeben (anstatt Abfall zu entsorgen), Bereitstellung hochwertiger recycelbarer Materialien als Rohstoff durch Recycling von Flasche zu Abstract The adoption of EU directives to create a circular economy and recycling growth, especially with a target rate of 77% for PET plastic bottles by 2025 ( and up to 90% by 2029), has led to a very important challenge in Europe. This is due to the fact that the rate of collection and recycling of plastic packaging in Europe is lower than other recycled materials. Hence, the Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS) was proposed as a quick and efficient system for collecting, sorting, and recycling plastic bottles, glass bottles, and cans compared to other proposed solutions. The main reasons and benefits of DRS implementation in Europe include: reducing environmental pollution, increasing the incentive among consumers to return bottles for recycling (instead of littering), providing high-quality recyclable materials as raw material through bottle-to-bottle recycling, as well as reducing the extraction of natural resources. Currently, ten European countries have implemented DRS, which resulted in a minimum PET recycle rate of 83%, far more than other European countries that have not implemented a deposit system. To this end, this study aims to examine and compares DRS models in Europe, as well as to investigate obstacles and challenges associated with the development of the deposit system, taking into account hidden costs such as opportunity costs and inconvenience costs that are not easily calculated but should be considered in implementing deposit system. In general, DRS has been practicing in Europe either as centralized (i.e. the case of most EU and Scandinavian countries) or decentralized approach (i.e. the case of Germany). In this study, the comparison between these two methods is assessed by in-depth analysis of Germany (i.e. the case of decentralized), the Netherlands (i.e. the case of centralized), and Austria, where the DRS is under investigation. These three countries are evaluated in terms of construction of the scheme, impact on recycling rate, products affected, system cost, as well as consumer cost. In short, it can be concluded that both DRS methods are effective, valuable, and neither of them is superior to the other, only the appropriate method should be selected for each country. In addition, the benefits of the DRS for Austria were considered, and a centralized DRS was proposed to quickly achieve the recycle rate of the EU's approved guidelines and to be able to adapt to complementary and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) projects implemented in Austria. Keywords: Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS), Recycling, PET Bottle Deposit System, Beverage Containers, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Waste Management, Secondary Raw Materials, Sustainability, Circular Economy vorgelegt von: Mehdi Habibi Rad Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüft Wien, FH Campus Wien, Masterarb., 2020
Databáze: OpenAIRE