La gouvernance logistique des territoires

Autor: Beyer, Antoine
Přispěvatelé: Beyer, Antoine
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: The reorganization of flows is transforming geographical spaces by redefining the layouts and hierarchies of places. Logistics combines economic processes and their political framework and now appears as a central issue in planning. Whereas research has been able to focus on technical devices or economic choices, the conference invites the participants to highlight logistics as an instrument of geographical governance and a political issue, in a global, in a macro-regional and in a metropolitan perspective.
La réorganisation des flux transforme les espaces, redéfinit leurs agencements et leurs hiérarchies. Au croisement des processus économiques et mais aussi de son encadrement politique, la logistique apparaît désormais comme un enjeu central d’aménagement.
Databáze: OpenAIRE