Influence of the internet and computer games on upbringing and development of children

Autor: Jovanović, Branko, Vučinić, Dragiša, Antonijević, Radovan
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Pedagogija
Popis: U radu se razmatraju osnovne karakteristike uticaja koji se putem interneta i kompjuterskih igara ostvaruje na vaspitanje i razvoj dece. Savremeno informatičko društvo donosi brojne promene u pogledu uloge informatike, kompjutera i interneta u oblasti radno-profesionalnih delatnosti, a posebno u svakodnevnom životu ljudi. S tim u vezi, javljaju se mnogi izazovi kada je u pitanju upotreba kompjutera i interneta od strane dece, koja se u velikoj meri odražava na proces njihovog razvoja i vaspitanja. Nameću se dileme i pitanja koja se odnose na načine upotrebe, na vreme koje deca provode za kompjuterom, na ulogu korišćenja kompjutera i interneta u razvoju i vaspitanju dece, ali se otvara i potreba razmatranja različitih negativnih posledica korišćenja kompjutera i interneta. This paper is on the basic characteristics of the Internet and computer games influence on upbringing and development of children. Contemporary IT society brings many changes in the respect of the role of Information technology, computers and the Internet in the field of professional work, and particularly in everyday life of people. Considering this, there are many challenges when we mention using computers and the Internet by the children and this has a significant influence on their education and upbringing. There are dilemmas and issues posed referring to the ways of use, time which children spend in front of computers, the role of using computer and the Internet in development and upbringing of children, but there is the need for discussing different negative consequences of using the Internet and computers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE