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U radu se daje kritički pregled novijih pristupa koji preispituju epistemološke osnove društvene teorije u svetlu nejednakosti u resursima i moći, a kojima je zajednička pretpostavka o prirodi znanja kao lociranog i datiranog proizvoda konkretnih ljudskih aktera. Obuhvaćeni su postkolonijalna i dekolonijalna kritika, studije globalnih akademskih hijerarhija, teorija globalnog Juga, teorija naučnog polja, feminizam i intersekcionalnost. Na kraju se, inspirisano kritičkim pristupom Marine Blagojević Hjuson, tematizuje pozicija poluperiferije u tom kontekstu. The chapter provides a critical discussion of a range of recent approaches that interrogate the epistemological foundations of social theory in view of inequalities in terms of power and other resources, and which share the assumption that knowledge is a located and dated product of particular social actors. The approaches included are postcolonial and decolonial critique, studies of global academic hierarchies, Southern theory, global scientific field theory, feminism, and intersectionality. Finally, the position of semiperiphery is discussed, following an inspiration found in Marina Blagojević Hughson’s critical remarks. |