The foundation of Sociološki pregled/ Sociological Review in 1938

Autor: Antonić, Slobodan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Sociološki pregled
Popis: Pojava Sociološkog pregleda 1938. godine važan je trenutak za srpsku sociologiju. To je vrhunac razvoja ove naučne discipline u Srbiji između dva svetska rata. U to vreme štampaju se prevodi značajnih socioloških dela, na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu osniva se Institut za sociologiju i započinje nastava sociologije, a osniva se i 'Društvo za sociologiju i društvene nauke' (1935) - izdavač prvog broja Sociološkog pregleda (1938). Predsednik Društva i glavni urednik Sociološkog pregleda, Đorđe Tasić pripremio je za štampu i drugi broj almanaha, ali je Drugi svetski rat presekao dalji razvitak sociologije u Srbiji. Tek deset godina posle tog rata počelo se sa obnovom socioloških ustanova i daljim razvojem ove naučne discipline kod nas. The appearance of the scientific journal Sociological Review/Sociološki pregled in 1938. is an important moment for Serbian sociology. It is the developmental peak of this scientific discipline in Serbia between the two world wars. At that time, translations of significant sociological works were printed, the Institute for Sociology was founded at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, the teaching of sociology started, and the Society for Sociology and Social Sciences (1935) was founded - publisher of the first issue of Sociological Review/Sociološki pregled (1938). President of The Society and the main editor of Sociological Review/Sociološki pregled, Djordje Tasić, has prepared the second issue for printing, but the WWII cut the further development of sociology in Serbia. Only ten years after the war began the restoration of sociological institutions and the further development of this scientific discipline in our country.
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