Male figurines from Pavlovac-Čukar, Southern Serbia

Autor: Vuković, Jasna, Perić, Slaviša
Přispěvatelé: Ursu, Constantin-Emil, Țerna, Stanislav
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Anthropomorphism and symbolic behaviour in the Neolithic and Copper Age communities of South-Eastern Europe
Popis: In this paper a corpus of male figurines from the Late Neolithic site of Pavlovac-Čukar in Southern Serbia is presented. It is a group of stylized, roughly made figurines without any details except the representation of male genitals and in a lesser extent, ornaments in the form of armlets and belts. Iconography, technological aspects, i.e. forming techniques and fragmentation are examined. It is argued that these figurines were made by unexperienced producers, probably for a single-use in some ritual, possibly in the boys' initiation rite.
Databáze: OpenAIRE