Zakonodaja in pravni okviri gojenja tujerodnih drevesnih vrst v gozdovih Slovenije = Legislation and legal frameworks for the cultivation of non-native tree species in Slovenian forests

Autor: Adamič, Pia Caroline, Brus, Robert, Jarni, Kristjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta Silvae et Ligni, str. 7-18 : Ilustr., [Št.] 128, 2022
COBISS-ID: 266761216
ISSN: 2335-3112
Popis: Namen raziskave je bil pregled zakonodaje in pravnih okvirjev gojenja tujerodnih drevesnih vrst v slovenskih gozdovih. Na ravni Evropske unije je za uvedbo, uporabo in gospodarjenje s tujerodnimi drevesi pomembnih več pravnih instrumentov, npr. Direktiva Sveta o trženju gozdnega reprodukcijskega materiala, Habitatna direktiva, Uredba o preprečevanju in obvladovanju vnosa in širjenja invazivnih tujerodnih vrst. V slovenski zakonodaji področje njihovega vnosa in potencialnega vpliva ureja predvsem Zakon o ohranjanju narave, pomembni pa so še Uredba o posebnih varstvenih območjih (območjih Natura 2000), Zakon o gozdovih, Zakon o gozdnem reprodukcijskem materialu, Pravilnik o določitvi provenienčnih območij, Uredba o zavarovanih prosto živečih rastlinskih vrstah. Iz pravnih aktov izhaja, da za opravljanje gozdarske dejavnosti gojenje tujerodnih dreves v Sloveniji ni prepovedano, doselitev tujerodnih vrst je načeloma dovoljena, za vnos novih tujerodnih vrst pa je potreben ustrezen postopek, ki vključuje presojo vplivov na okolje, odobri pa ga pristojni minister. Slovenska zakonodaja tako ponuja možnosti za gojenje določenih tujerodnih drevesnih vrst, ki bi lahko bile zaradi boljše odpornosti proti biotskim in abiotskim dejavnikom ključne pri prilagajanju gozdov na podnebne spremembe, hkrati pa so zaradi hitre rasti in kakovostnega lesa gospodarsko zanimive. The aim of the study was to review the legislation and legal framework for the cultivation of non-native tree species in Slovenian forests. In the EU, several legal instruments are relevant for the introduction, use and management of non-native tree species, e.g. the Council Directive on the marketing of forest reproductive material, the Habitats Directive and the Regulation on the prevention and control of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. In Slovenian legislation, the area of their introduction and potential impact is regulated primarily by the Nature Conservation Act, but also important are the Decree on Special Protection Areas (Natura 2000 areas), the Forest Act, the Forest Reproductive Material Act, the Regulations on the Designation of Seed Areas and the Decree on Protected Wild Plant Species. According to the legislation, the cultivation of non-native trees is not prohibited in Slovenia for the implementation of forestry activities, immigration is allowed, and the introduction of new non-native species requires an appropriate procedure that includes an environmental impact assessment and is approved by the competent minister. Slovenian legislation thus provides opportunities for the cultivation of non-native tree species, which could be of crucial importance for the adaptation of forests to climate change due to their better resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, as well as of economic importance due to their faster growth and timber quality. Bibliografija: str. 17-18. Izvleček ; Abstract ; Summary.
Databáze: OpenAIRE