The role and importance of infrastructure planning in mountain tourism development in Serbia

Autor: Đorđević, Dejan S.
Přispěvatelé: Šećerov, Velimir, Milinčić, Miroljub, Jovičić, Dobrica, Lukić, Bogdan, Milijić, Saša
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The main purpose of this dissertation is to examine and define the interrelated causation, connections, importance and influences of infrastructure planning and mountain tourism development, which would enable the development of methods for a more successful consideration of the process of changes in space and ways of directing them towards a desired course. By parallel analyses of the experiences in Serbia, the world and Europe, as well as of the similar experiences of the neighbouring countries, the proposed solutions tend to help the further work of experts, and of regional and local authorities and other stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in this field, with the aim of mountain tourism development in Serbia. The research covered several successively related parts: defining the basic theoretical grounds of the problem – general considerations of mountain areas, tourism, mountain tourism in particular, infrastructure systems and their planning, as well as development planning of tourist areas; an analysis of the most significant characteristics and interrelated similarities and differences of mountain tourism development in the world, in Europe, in neighbouring countries, starting from its history proceeding to the current situation and ending with the development trends, with a detailed consideration of the mountain areas of Kopaonik and Tara; an analysis of infrastructure capacity of the mountain areas of Serbia, with a detailed consideration of the areas of Kopaonik and Tara, on basis of which the conclusions were defined about the relationship between mountain tourism development and infrastructure capacity of mountain areas. Next, infrastructure planning was analysed with a view to mountain tourism development in strategic and planning documents in Serbia at the national level, including those covering the areas of Kopaonik and Tara; subsequently, the applied norms and standards for infrastructure capacity of mountain tourist areas were separately considered. The final part of the thesis considered the possibilities of defining the steps towards a directed and coordinated improvement of the situation in the examined area through specific suggestions within the planning process of sustainable mountain tourism and infrastructure planning with a view to mountain tourism development. The use of integral and comparative scientific method, as well as the analysis and synthesis methods and integral approach to problem solving throughout the research have confirmed the basic hypothesis that the directed, coordinated and efficient infrastructure planning is a powerful tool, which contributes to mountain tourism development, i.e. that the stated interrelations evidently confirm the possibility to promote and direct both mountain tourism development and spatial development as a whole by way of thoughtful planning and programming of infrastructure systems development. The research determined that the infrastructure capacity of mountain areas in Serbia is not at an adequate level, that the institutional coordination in directing the development of mountain tourist areas has been neglected, and that mountain tourism development in Serbia has not so far functioned as an integrating factor or driving force of local government development. The research has led to the following conclusions that have confirmed the secondary hypotheses: equipping areas with appropriate infrastructure is the prerequisite for sustainable mountain tourism development, i.e. appropriate planning and development of infrastructure systems has to be solely considered as an assumption and not as a consequence of the development of mountain tourist areas; the management of infrastructure systems needs to reflect a holistic consideration of planning and designing spaces without partial considerations of individual components or their planning as artificially separated parts and so infrastructure planning is one of the instruments of directing mountain tourism development and its cooperation with other development measures and instruments is necessary; infrastructure planning itself is not a sufficient condition for mountain tourism development, as it requires appropriate implementation and monitoring of the implementation of planning and programming solutions – consequences of an adequately and efficiently completed infrastructure planning and programming process, i.e. a successful implementation of plans and programmes is a specific realization of individual infrastructural objects, which involves the procedure of designing and building physical structures in space within a certain time period. Osnovni cilj disertacije je ispitivanje i definisanje međusobnih uslovljenosti, veza, značaja i uticaja planiranja infrastrukture i razvoja planinskog turizma, što bi omogućilo da se razviju metode za uspešnije sagledavanje procesa promena u prostoru i načini njihovog usmeravanja u željenom pravcu...
Databáze: OpenAIRE