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Adolescencija je period u kome se dešavaju intezivne i dinamične bio-psiho- socijalne razvojne promene. Formiranje identiteta adolescenata u uslovima oštećenja sluha čini ovaj razvoj osetljivijim. U situaciji izazvanoj novim ko- rona virusom, dolazi do negativnih promena u kvalitetu života, naročito u domenima socijalnog i mentalnog funkcionisanja pojedinaca, gde pandemija ostavlja najveće posledice. Stvorili su se novi izazovi i teškoće i u obrazov- nom sistemu, načinima komunikacije, sistemima podrške. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi uticaj pandemiije COVID-19 virusa na gluve i nagluve adoles- cente u okviru kvaliteta života kroz tri različite perspektive. Prva je u odnosu na interakciju sa porodicom, druga u odnosu na interakciju sa nastav- nicima i treća u odnosu na interakciju sa vršnjacima (uticaji socialnih fak- tora u užem i širem okruženju). Za prikupljanje podataka u ovom istraživanju koristili smo modifikovani upitnik Youth Quality of Life – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (YQOL – DHH). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da izbijanje pandemije COVID-19 virusa nije u značajnoj meri uticalo na proces obrazovanja, kontakte sa vršnjacima (socijalne kontakte) i interakciju sa porodicom gluvih i nagluvih adolescenata. Zbog pandemije COVID -19 virusa došlo je do zaključavanja škola i internata zbog čega su adolecenti preusmereni na onlajn nastavu, a intezitet socijalnih interakcija je smanjen. U ovakvim uslovima mogu izostati podrška nastavnika i roditelja, opada kvalitet obrazovanja i socijalnih interakcija što dalje utiče na njihov kvalitet života. Rezultati našeg istraživanja su pokazali da kvalitet života gluvih i nagluvih adolescenata u ovakvim uslovima nije narušen. Buduća istraživanja mogu se usmeriti na mentalno funkcionisanje gluvih i nagluvih adolescenata kako bi se detaljnije ispitao uticaj pandemije na njihov kvalitet života. Adolescence is a period in which intensive and dynamic bio-psycho-social developmental changes occur. The formation of adolescent identity in conditions of hearing impairment makes this development more sensitive. In the situation caused by the new corona virus, there are negative changes in the quality of life, especially in the domains of social and mental functioning of individuals, where the pandemic leaves the greatest consequences. New challenges and difficulties were created in the education system, communication methods, and support systems. The goal of our research was to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on deaf and hard- of-hearing adolescents in terms of quality of life through three different perspectives. The first is in relation to the interaction with the family, the second in relation to the interaction with teachers and the third in relation to the interaction with peers (influences of social factors in the immediate and wider environment). A modified Youth Quality of Life – Deaf and Hard of Hearing (YQOL - DHH) questionnaire was used for data collection. The results showed that the examined factors within the set perspectives have a positive effect on the quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents in conditions such as the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Due to the pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, schools and boarding schools were locked, due to which adolescents were redirected to online classes and the intensity of social interactions was reduced. In such conditions, the support of teachers and parents may be absent, the quality of education and social interactions decline, which further affects their quality of life. The results of our research showed that the quality of life of deaf and hard-of-hearing adolescents is not threatened in these conditions. Future research can focus on the mental functioning of deaf and hard of hearing adolescents in order to examine in more detail the impact of the pandemic on their quality of life. |