Povezanost školske klime i problema u ponašanju kod učenika mlađih razreda osnovne škole
Autor: | Đurišić, Maša |
Přispěvatelé: | Žunić-Pavlović, Vesna, Popović-Ćitić, Branislava, Stojković, Irena, Banđur, Veljko |
Jazyk: | srbština |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
екстернализовани проблеми
school climate determinants externalizing problems димензије школске климе млађи школски узраст основна школа primary school детерминанте школске климе adaptive characteristics lower school age internalizing problems school climate dimensions адаптивне карактеристике интернализовани проблеми |
Zdroj: | Универзитет у Београду |
Popis: | Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja konzistentno potvrđuju da školska klimaznačajno utiče na postignuća i ponašanje učenika. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanjepovezanosti između osnovnih dimenzija i determinanti školske klime, s jedne iadaptivnih karakteristika i problema u ponašanju učenika, s druge strane.Uzorak istraživanja obuhvatio je poduzorak od 541 učenika beogradskih osnovnihškola, uzrasta 6–11 godina, oba pola i poduzorak od 24 nastavnika razredne nastave,ženskog pola. Podaci o učenicima i školi dobijeni su anketiranjem nastavnika. Zaprocenu adaptivnih karakteristika i problema u ponašanju učenika korišćena je TRFskala (Teacher's Report Form/6-18), dok je za procenu školske klime, njenih dimenzija ideterminanti korišćen Profil školske klime (School Climate Profile). Korelacionim ikanoničkim analizama ispitivala se veza između glavnih varijabli istraživanja kojeopisuju školsku klimu i probleme u ponašanju.Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su adaptivne karakteristike učenika pozitivnopovezane sa svim dimenzijama i determinantama školske klime. Internalizovaniproblemi, agresivno ponašanje i problemi mišljenja su pozitivno povezani sa dimenzijamaškolske klime kontinuirani akademski i socijalni razvoj, održavanje škole i briga.Anksioznost-depresivnost, kršenje pravila ponašanja i socijalni problemi su negativnopovezani sa programskim determinantama mogućnosti za aktivno učenje i fleksibilne iraznovrsne aktivnosti. Nisu otkriveni specifični obrasci povezanosti školske klime sarazličitim problemima učenika, ali su otkrivene razlike u obrascima veze školske klimesa adaptivnim karakteristikama i problemima u ponašanju učenika.Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je školska klima značajan faktor adaptivnihkarakteristika i problema u ponašanju učenika The results of previous research consistently confirm that the school climate significantlyinfluences student achievement and behavior. The aim of this research was to determine therelationship between the fundamental dimensions and determinants of the school climate, on theone hand, and adaptive characteristics and student behavioral problems, on the other hand.The research sample included a subsample of 541 students from Belgrade primary schools,aged 6–11, of both sexes, and a subsample of 24 primary school teachers, all-female. Data onstudents and the school were obtained by surveying teachers. The Teacher Report Form (TRF/6-18) was used to assess the adaptive characteristics and behavioral problems of students, while theSchool Climate Profile was used to assess the school climate, its dimensions and determinants.Correlation and canonical analysis examined the relationship between the main research variablesthat describe the school climate and behavioral problems.The results of the research show that the adaptive characteristics of students are positivelyrelated to all dimensions and determinants of the school climate. Internalizing problems, aggressivebehavior and thinking problems are positively related to the dimensions of the school climatecontinuous academic and social development, school renewal and care. Anxiety-depression, rulebreakingbehavior and social problems are negatively related to the programs determinants ofopportunities for active learning and flexible curriculum and extracurricular activities. No specificpatterns in the relationship between school climate and different student problems were found.However, the differences in patterns of the relationship between school climate with adaptivecharacteristics and student behavior problems were found.The obtained results confirm that the school climate presents a significant factor in adaptivecharacteristics and behavioral problems in students |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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