Program obuke za podsticanje tranzicije učenika sa Autizmom iz osnovne u srednju školu

Autor: Glumbić, Nenad, Petrović, Sunčica
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Zbornik sazetaka – Četvrta međunarodna konferencija „Multidisciplinarni pristupi u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji”, Sarajevo, BiH, 9–11.04.2021
Popis: Iako su inkluzivnim procesom obuhvaćena i deca s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, ona se suočavaju sa teškoćama u ostvarivanju adekvatne podrške, posebno nakon prelaska iz osnovne u srednju školu. Stoga je u okviru ERASMUS + projekta „Inclusion of people with autism in Europe: Improving scolar transitions from primary to secondary schools“, napravljen nacrt budućeg kurikuluma obuke za nastavnike i druge stručnjake koji bi trebalo da pruže podršku učenicima sa autizmom u periodu tranzicije. U Španiji, Portugalu i Srbiji primenjen je semistrukturisani intervju sa tri osobe s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, dva člana porodice i pet nastavnika. Osobe sa autizmom bile su uzrasta između 14 i 25 godina, i imale su iskustvo tranzicije iz osnovne u srednju školu. Ispitano je njihovo mišljenje o razlozima lošeg akademskog postignuća i napuštanja škole. Na osnovu dobijenih podataka napravljen je nacrt kurikuluma za edukaciju nastavnika i saradnika koji bi trebalo da sadrži pet modula: opšte informacije o autizmu, potrebe za podrškom učenika sa autizmom, strategije za prevenciju školskog neuspeha, napuštanje škole i strategije koordinacije i saradnje. Although children with autism spectrum disorders are included in the inclusive process, they face difficulties in obtaining adequate support, especially after the transition from primary to secondary school. Therefore, within the ERASMUS + project “Inclusion of people with autism in Europe: Improving scholar transitions from primary to secondary schools”, a draft of a future training curriculum for teachers and other professionals was made, which should provide support to students with autism in transition. In Spain, Portugal and Serbia, a semi-structured interview was conducted with three people with autism spectrum disorder, two family members and five teachers. People with autism were between the ages of 14 and 25, and had experience of transitioning from elementary to high school. Their opinion on the reasons for poor academic achievement and dropping out of school was examined. Based on the obtained data, a draft curriculum for teacher and associate education was made, which should contain five modules: general information on autism, needs for support of students with autism, strategies for prevention of school failure, dropping out of school and strategies for coordination and cooperation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE