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The significance of using pictures in teaching the Serbian language and literature is great. The pictures of full content as well as the pictures in a series facilitate the work in classes and contribute to the dynamics and the development of the language culture of the students. This kind of work involves visual perception and language expression. The aim of this research was to examine the use of various parts of speech in written language on the basis of the application of full picture as well as to analyze the vocabulary used by hearing-impaired students and regular hearing students. The examination was carried out on the sample of 94 hearing-impaired students and 60 students who can hear, and who are in the age range of fifth grade to eight grade primary school students. Their written vocabulary was analyzed by the use of the visual stimulus in the form of a picture entitled "SUMMER". The research was done in two schools in Belgrade which are attended by hearing-impaired students and in a school which is attended by regular hearing students. In processing the obtained results, frequencies and percentages, AS and SD, were used as well as the Pearson’s linear correlation quotient. As for the statistical tests, the t-test and its significance were applied. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results, which will be presented graphically and in tables, was conducted. The results of the research have shown that there are great differences in the quality and the quantity of the used vocabulary between these two groups of students, and these differences become greater with age. The lexicon of the hearing-impaired students is characterized by scantiness, disproportionate use of nouns and verbs in relation to other types of words as well as by the difficulties in constructing and understanding the structure of a sentence. Značaj primene slika u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti je veliki. Slike celovitog sadržaja, kao i slike u nizu, olakšavaju rad na časovima, doprinose dinamici i razvoju jezičke kulture učenika. Ovakav rad podrazumeva vizuelnu percepciju i jezičko izražavanje. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se na osnovu primene celovite slike ispita upotreba različitih vrsta reči u pisanom govoru, kao i da se izvrši analiza upotrebljenog rečnika kod učenika oštećenog sluha i učenika koji čuju. Ispitivanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 94 učenika oštećenog sluha i 60 učenika koji čuju uzrasta od III do VIII razreda. Za ispitivanje pisanog rečnika koristili smo stimulans sliku "Leto". Istraživanje je obavljeno u dve škole u Beogradu koje pohađaju učenici oštećenog sluha, i u jednoj školi koju pohađaju deca koja čuju. Pri obradi dobijenih podataka korišćene su frekvencije i procenti, AS i SD, kao i Pirsonov koeficijent linearne korelacije. Od statističkih testova koristili smo t-test i njegovu značajnost. Izvršena je kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza dobijenih rezultata, koji će biti prikazani tabelarno i grafički. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali velike razlike u kvalitetu i kvantitetu leksičkog fonda između ove dve grupe učenika, koje se povećavaju sa uzrastom. Leksikon učenika oštećenog sluha karakteriše oskudnost, nesrazmerna upotreba imenica i glagola u odnosu na ostale vrste reči, kao i teškoće u formiranju i razumevanju strukture rečenice. |