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The research has been done with the aim of studying connection of the general school achievements with self-efficiency in mastering teaching subjects and self-regulation of students. The sample included 120 students with light mental retardation (62 or 51.7% male and 58 or 48.3% female) who attend High Trade School in Belgrade. Instruments, which evaluated their Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning and Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning) are subscales of Children’s Self- Efficacy Scale, Bandura, 2006. Results have determined that students with better school achievements more positively percept their academic efficiency than students with lower general school achievements. Difference in relation to the gender has not been found in the instrument of self-regulation of learning. Significant statistical difference (p=0.002) or female interviewees is found in perception of self-efficiency when mastering some teaching subjects. Given results have pedagogical implication because they can help teachers understand better these young people and when using adequate estimations identify aspects in which support is necessary, so that in accordance with this adjust pedagogical-educational methods of work. Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se ispita povezanost opšteg školskog uspeha sa percipiranom samoefikasnošću u savladavanju nastavnih predmeta i samoregulaciji učenja. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 120 učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (62 ili 51,7% muškog i 58 tj. 48,3% ženskog pola) koji pohađaju Srednju zanatsku školu u Beogradu. Instrumenti kojima je procenjivana njihova samoefikasnost pri savladavanju nastavnih predmeta (Self-Efficacy for Academic Achievement) i samoregulacija učenja (Self-Efficacy for Self-Regu-lated Learning) su supskale Skale dečje samoefikasnosti (Children’s Self-Efficacy Scale, Bandura, 2006). Rezultati su utvrdili da učenici sa boljim opštim školskim uspehom pozitivnije percipiraju svoju akademsku efikasnost od učenika sa nižim opštim školskim uspehom. Razlika u odnosu na pol nije pronađena u instrumentu samoregulacije učenja. Značajna statistička razlika (p=0,002) u korist ispitanica pronađena je u percepciji samoefikasnosti prilikom savladavanja pojedinih nastavnih predmeta. Dobijeni nalazi imaju pedagošku implikaciju jer mogu pomoći nastavnicima da bolje razumeju ove mlade osobe i da uz korišćenje adekvatnih procena identifikuju aspekte u kojima im je neophodna podrška, te da u skladu sa tim prilagode vaspitno-obrazovne metode rada. |