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Deca sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem (SJP) pored sintaksičkih deficita ispoljavaju i značajne deficite leksičko-semantičkih sposobnosti. U novijom literaturi sve je veći broj radova koji se bavi proučavanjem leksičkih sposob- nosti u okviru pojedinačnih vrsta sadržajnih reči kod ove dece. Jezičke varijable, poput apstraktnosti i slikovitosti, u značajnoj meri određuju konceptualne razlike između pojedinačnih vrsta sadržajnih reči. Pored semantičkih karakteristika, i sintaksička uloga pojedinačnih vrsta reči predstavlja značajan faktor leksičkog procesiranja. Rezultati istraživanja u ovoj oblasti pokazali su da deca sa SJP ispoljavaju kvalitativno i kvantitativno različite deficite na planu usvajanja, imenovanja i leksičkog procesiranja imenica, glagola, prideva i priloga, kao i na planu njihove upotrebe u spontanom govoru. Većina istraživanja je pokaza- la da deca sa SJP najsporije usvajaju glagole, teže ih i leksički procesiraju i najmanje upotrebljavaju u spontanom govoru u odnosu na druge vrste sadržajnih reči. Takođe, ova deca ispoljavaju više teškoća na planu prideva u poređenju sa imenicama. Children with specific language impairment (SLI), in addition to syntactic deficit, exhibited also significant deficits of lexical-semantic abilities. There is a growing number of studies researching lexical skills within particular types of content words in these children. Linguistic variables, such as the abstractness and imageability, to a great extent determine the conceptual differences between content words. In addition to the semantic features, syntactic role of particular types of content words influence lexical processing in children. Results of the studies in this field have shown that children with SLI exhibit quantitatively and qualitatively different deficits in acquiring, naming and lexical processing of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, as well as in the use of different content words in the spontaneous speech. Most of data indicate that children with SLI have more difficulties mostly with verbs compared to other types of content words. Also, it seems that adjectives are more challenging for these children comparing to nouns. Greater lexical-semantic difficulties with verbs can be explained with semantic characteristics of this class of word, as well with important role of verbs in the development of syntactic abilities. However, children with SLI do not exhibit a qualitatively different pattern of lexical development within individual types of content words, compared with typically developing children. |