Incidence of dysarthria in patientents with traumatic brain injury

Autor: Habus, Sanja, Milovanović, Tanja, Sumrak Tušak, Marina, Fučkar, Dunja, Hržina Jakopčević, Martina, Vuković, Mile
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Abstract book-6th Congress of Croatian speech and language pathologists
Popis: Traumatic brain injury (TOM) causes a variety of speech disorders, among which dysarthria predominates. Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that occurs due to impaired neuro-muscular control and mobility of muscles that are used to produce speech. Dysarthria as a speech difficulty often persists for a very long time after a traumatic brain injury and interferes with the quality of communication. Isolated studies on the incidence of dysarthria in individuals with TOM are very rare. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of dysarthria in individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injury. The sample consisted of 60 subjects with an average age of 39,1(SD = 16,55), and an average age of education of 12,35 (SD = 1,63), 6 women I 54 men,time of assessment of dysarthria from injury is 1,26 month (SD=4,49). Subjects were treated in the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of Neurological Patients at the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice in the period from 1 September 2020 to 1 September 2021. To determine the existence of dysarthria the Dysarthria Screening Test was used. For the purpose of statistical data processing, descriptive statistics, Chi square test and T test were used. The research results showed that of the total number of subjects (N = 83) included in speech therapy, dysarthria was present in 24 subjects, or 28.9%. Given the high incidence of dysarthria in people with traumatic brain injury, the professional contribution of this research would be an insight into the importance of early assessment and treatment of this speech impairment that significantly affects the functioning and communication of a person in everyday life. Traumatska ozljeda mozga (TOM) uzrokuje različite govorne poremećaje, među kojima dominira dizartrija. Dizartrija je poremćaj govora koji se javlja zbog oštećenja neuro-mišićne kontrole i pokretljivosti govornih organa. Dizartrija kao govorna teškoća često perzistira vrlo dugo nakon zadobivene traumatske ozljede mozga i ometa kvalitetu komunikacije. Izolirane studije o učestalosti dizartrije kod osoba sa TOM-om vrlo su rijetke. Cilj ovog rada bio bi utvrditi učestalost dizartrije kod osoba koje su doživjele traumatsku ozljedu mozga koji su bili na stacionarnoj rehabilitaciji u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice u razdoblju ood 01.09.2020. do 01.09.2021. godine. Uzorak su činila 60 ispitanika prosječne starosti 39,1 (SD=16,55), i prosječnih godina obrazovanja 12,35(SD= 1,63) i to 6 žena i 54 muškaraca, vrijeme procjene disartrije od ozljede je 1,26 mjeseci(SD=4,49). U određivanju postojanja dizartrije koristili smo Skrining test za dizartriju. Od statističkih testova korištena je deskriptivna statistika, Hi kvadrat test i T test. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 60 koji su bili upućeni na logopedski tretman u navedom peiodu dizartija bila prisutna kod njih 23 ,odnosno 38,33 %. Obzirom na visoku učestalost dizartrije kod osoba sa traumatskom ozljedom mozga stručni doprinos ovog istarživanja bio bi uvid u značaj pravovremene procjene i tretmana navedenog govornog oštećenja koji bitno utječe na funkcioniranje i komunikaciju osobe u svakodnevnom životu
Databáze: OpenAIRE