Potencijal za prinos različitih genotipova pšenice gajenih na ritskoj crnici

Autor: Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, Mićanović, Danica, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Luković, Kristina, Urošević, Dušan, Knežević, Desimir
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
Popis: U dvogodišnjem istraživanju, sprovedenom na ritskoj crnici, analiziran je uticaj genotipa, vegetacione sezone i njihove interakcije na varijaciju prinosa zrna po biljci i mase 1000 zrna kod 16 genotipova pšenice. Uslovi povećane suše su značajno uticali na smanjenje ispitivanih osobina kod svih analiziranih genotipova. Faktor interakcije je imao najveći doprinos fenotipskoj ekspresiji prinosa zrna (47,74%), dok je faktor godina imao najveći udeo u varijaciji mase 1000 zrna (79,77%). Najveći prinos zrna u obe vegetacione sezone je ostvario genotip Skopjanka. Genotipovi Dukat i Iskra se karakterišu najslabijom reakcijom na stres, uz postignut visok prinos zrna u uslovima suše. Genotip Iskra se izdvaja najvećom vrednošću mase 1000 zrna u uslovima stresa suše, dok je genotip Dunavka postigao najveću vrednost mase 1000 zrna u povoljnim uslovima sredine. A two-year study on the humogley examined the effects of genotype, vegetation season, and their interaction on the variation in grain yield per plant and thousand grain weight in 16 wheat genotypes. Increased drought had a significant impact on the reduction of both investigated traits. The interaction of factors had the largest contribution to the phenotypic expression of grain yield per plant (47.74%), while the factor of vegetation season had the largest share in the variation of thousand grain weight (79.77%). Genotype Skopjanka achieved the highest grain yield per plant in both growing seasons. Genotypes Dukat and Iskra are characterized by the weakest reaction to stress and a high grain yield achieved under drought conditions. Genotype Iskra is distinguished by having the highest thousand grain weight under drought stress, while genotype Dunavka achieved the highest thousand grain weight under favorable environmental conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE