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This paper presents the results of investigation of yield parameters of winter triticale varieties (Favorit, Kg 20 and Trijumf). Varieties were grown on the experimental field of Center for Small Grains, Kragujevac during two seasons on vertisol soil. Variety Kg 20 was achieved the highest average yield in the first year (4.639 t ha-1), while in the second year variety Trijumf (5.669 t ha-1). The average value for 1000 seed weight in both years was highest in variety Favorit (44.0 g) and the smallest in variety Kg 20 (41.1 g). Highly significant effect of year on grain yield and significant on 1000 grain weight was recorded, while for test weight it was not significant. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja parametara rodnosti ozimih sorti tritikalea Favorit, Kg 20 i Trijumf. Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac, tokom dve vegetacione sezone na zemljištu tipa vertisol. Sorta Kg 20 je ostvarila najveći prosečan prinos zrna u prvoj godini istraživanja (4,639 t ha-1), dok je u drugoj godini najveći prinos postigla sorta Trijumf (5,669 t ha-1). Masa 1000 zrna u obe godine istraživanja bila je najveća kod sorte Favorit (44,0 g), a najmanja kod Kg 20 (41,1 g). Utvrđen je statistički vrlo značajan uticaj godine na prinos zrna ispitivanih sorti tritikalea, značajan na masu 1000 zrna, dok uticaj na hektolitarsku masu nije bio značajan. . |