On intraspecific variation of Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. (= Pisum formosum (Stev.) Alef.: Fabeae)

Autor: Sinjushin, Andrey, Belyakova, A. S.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Pisum Genetics
Popis: The phylogeny and systematics of tribe Fabeae Rchb. are still somewhat unclear. One of the most enigmatic genera within this group is Vavilovia Fed. representing small highland plants with very specific features. It inhabits disrupted areas in Caucasus and Middle East and is commonly referred to as an endangered plant species. Numerous research reports dealing with its morphology, anatomy and taxonomical position (evidenced from results of both classical and molecular analyses) exist (1, 6 and works cited in reviews of these papers). Expressed interest in this genus is evidenced by the appearance of several publications during the last few years (7, 8, 9 etc.). Exhaustive surveys on the history of investigations on this plant species have recently been published (6, 7).
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