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Proso (Panicum miliaceum L.; Poaceae) je najstarija kultivisana kultura na svetu. Ostvaruje visoke prinose biomase i zrna i važan je izvor energije i proteina. Biogoriva, dobijena od biomase, imaju potencijal da zamene naftna goriva. Prioritet je dobiti osnovne sirovine i razviti proces proizvodnje biogoriva na ekonomičan način. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita produktivnost dve sorte prosa, Biserka i Rumenka, na černozemu. Ogled je izveden u Bačkom Petrovcu, na eksperimentalnom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. U ispitivanoj godini obe sorte ostvarile su odlične agronomske karakteristike u proizvodnji zrna i u proizvodnji biomase. Visina biljaka varirala je od 0,94 do 1,17 m, masa biljaka varirala je od 18,34 do 21,37 g, masa metlice 5,69-7,84 g, duţina metlice 23,75- 24,50 cm, dok je masa semena po biljci varirala od 4,52 do 7,22 g. Istraţivanja su pokazala da je genetski faktor imao veoma značajan uticaj na visinu biljaka. Razlike izmeĎu prinosa semena po biljci prosa takoĎe su bile statistički značajne. Ispitivane sorte imale su dobre performanse, i ostvarena je rentabilna proizvodnja. Ovaj rad prikazuje mogućnost i izazov u razvoju alternativnih goriva i razmatra proces proizvodnje, korišćenja sirovine i primene aktuelnih projekata. Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.; Poaceae) is the oldest cultivated plants in the world. It produces high yields of biomass and grains and is animportant source of energy and proteins. Biofuels derived from biomass have the potential to replace biofuels. It is a priority to get basic raw materials and develop a biofuel production process in a cost-effective way. The aim of this study was to examine the productivity of two varieties of millet, Biserka and Rumenka, on chernozem. The experiment was performed in Backi Petrovac, on an experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad. In the study year both varieties achieved excellent agronomic characteristics in the production of grain and in the production of biomass. Plant height varied from 0.94 to 1.17 m, the mass of the plants varied from 18.34 to 21.37 g, weight of spikelents 5.69-7.84 g, the length of spikelents 23.75-24.50 cm, while the seed mass per plant varied from 4.52 to 7.22 g. Research has shown that the genetic factor had a very significant impact on plant height. The differences between yields of seeds per millet plant were also statistically significant. The tested varieties had good performance, and was achieved profitable production. This paper presents the possibility and challenge in the development of alternative fuels and considers the process of production, the use of raw materials and the application of current projects. Radovi sa 33. Savetovanja agronoma, veterinara, tehnologa i agroekonomista, Padinska Skela, 2019. |