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Biogas predstavlja obećavajući izvor za dobijanje energije u budućim energetskim sistemima. U ovom radu sprovedeno je razmatranje energetskih tokova u životnom ciklusu realnog biogasnog postrojenja (Mirotin-Vrbas) za proizvodnju toplotne energije, počev od prozvodnje kukuruzne silaže, transporta kravljeg stajnjaka, procesa anaerobne fermentacije i proizvodnje biogasa, do korišćenja čvrstog i tečnog digestata za proizvodnju biljnih kultura. Za evaluaciju energetskih tokova korišćena su četiri energetska indikatora. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da ovaj biogasni sistem ima pozitivan energetski bilans od 62.418 GJ i energetsku efikasnost od 6,1 što ukazuje da u pogledu supstitucije potrošnje fosilnih goriva ovaj sistem za proizvodnju toplotne energije predstavlja dobru alternativu. Biogas is a promising source for energy production in future energy systems. In this paper, the energy flows in the life cycle of a real biogas plant (Mirotin-Vrbas) for thermal energy production were considered, starting from corn silage production, cow manure transport, process of anaerobic digestion and biogas production, to the use of solid and liquid digestate for production of crops. Four energy indicators were used to evaluate energy flows in this work. The obtained results showed that this biogas system has a positive energy balance of 62.418 GJ and an energy efficiency of 6,1, which indicates that in terms of substitution of fossil fuel consumption, this system for heat production is a good alternative. |