Analiza prisustva bakterija mlečne kiseline zlatarskom siru

Autor: Vukašinović-Sekulić, Maja, Kuljača, Selena, Topisirović, Ljubiša, Ostojić, Mihailo
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Mlekarstvo
Popis: Analysis of the presence of lactic acid bacteria in home-made white-soft cheese manufactured at mountain Zlatar was performed. Samples of cheese are collected from fifteen different manufacturers. In addition, one of the cheese's sample that showed the best sensory characteristics were used to test the fluctuation of microflora during cheese ripening. The fluctuation of microflora was followed after one, five, ten, twenty and thirty days of ripening. Results showed that the number of Lactoccocus cells decreased during ripening period. It is not possible to detect Lactoccocus cells after twenty days of cheese ripening. After thirty days of cheese ripening mesophilic lactobacilli, especially Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus plantarum, were dominant microflora Interestingly Enterococcus feacalis took a considerably numerous population of microflora during the whole period of cheese ripening. Da bi se dobila što bolja slika o bakterijama mlečne kiseline zastupljenim u zlatarskom siru analizirano je 15 uzoraka sira proizvedenih u različitim domaćinstvima na području Zlatara. Sasatav mikroflore jednog od uzoraka je praćen nakon jednog, pet, deset, dvadeset i trideset dana zrenja sira. Analizom mikroflore je zapaženo da broj vrsta roda Lactoccocus opada i da skoro potpuno nestaje posle 20 dana zrenja. Nakon 30 dana zrenja u uzorcima dominiraju mezofilne vrste roda laktobacila i to Lactobacillus paracasei i Lactobacillus plantarum. Tokom posmatranog perioda zrenja znatnu populaciju u uzorcima sira čini i vrsta Enterococcus feacalis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE