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Characterization and classification of injury severity quantify and unify the term of injury in clinical and research work. The beginnings of injury scoring date back to only about fifty years ago. The first individual scoring system, AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale), was developed in 1969 and modified in 2005. This score served as the base for ISS (Injury severity score), mostly used for trauma severity assessment. As any other attempt to 'measure' the severity of injuries is rather difficult and imperfect, a number of scoring systems have been developed. This work is a review of the most frequently used anatomical and physiological scoring systems, as well as new ways in their development. Karakterizacija i klasifikacija težine povrede kvantifikuje i unificira pojam povređivanja u kliničkom i istraživačkom radu. Počeci skorovanja povreda datiraju od pre samo pedesetak godina. Prvi individualni skoring sistem, AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale), razvijen je 1969. godine, a modifikovan 2005. g. Ovaj skor poslužio je kao baza za ISS (Injury severity score), najviše upotrebljavan skor za merenje težine traume. Kako je svaki pokušaj 'merenja' težine povreda dosta težak i nesavršen, razvijaju se mnogi skoring sistemi. Rad je revijalni prikaz najčešće upotrebljavanih anatomskih i fizioloških skoring sistema, kao i novih puteva u njihovom razvoju. |