Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Popis: Bu arastirmada; isbirlikli Ogrenme yÖnteminin, ilkogretim 6. Simf Ogrencilerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersindeki akademik başanlarma ve derse karşi oian tutumlarma etkileri incelenmistir. Araştirmamn orneklemini, Ankara ili Yenimahalie Fatih ilkogretim Okulu 6. smifta okuyan 67 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. ilkogretim 6. simf şubelerinden biri deney grubu, diger bir simf ise kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmisTir. Her iki grupta da 6. simf Fen ve Teknoloji dersi mufredatmda yer alan \"Madde ve Isi\" konusu arasTirmaci tarafmdan islenmistir. Deney gmbunda dersler isbirlikli ogrenme yontemleriyle, kontrol grubunda ise dersler ogretmen merkezli ogretim yontemleriyle islenmistir. ArasTirmada deney ve kontrol gruplarma Konu Basan Testi ile Fen ve Teknoloji Dersi Tutum Anketi on test ve son test olarak uygulanmistir. Aynca, deney grubundaki ogrencilerin isbirlikli ogrenme hakkmda goruslerini almak i9in Ogrenci Gorusjeri Anketi cahsma sonrasmda uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizi; aritmetik ortalama, bagimh gruplar icin t-testi ve bagimsiz gruplar icin t-testi kullamlarak yapılmıştır. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgulara gore; Fen ve Teknoloji dersinde deney grubuna uygulanan isbirlikli Ogrenme Yontemlerinin, kontrol grubuna uygulanan Ogretmen Merkezli Ogretim yontemlerine gore akademik başanyi arttirmada daha etkili oldugu istatistiki olarak belirlenmisTir. Deney grubu ogrencilerinin Fen ve Teknoloji dersine karşi tutumlarmda ise anlamh bir degisjklik olmadigi gorulmusttir. Ancak. isbirlikli ogrenme yontemleri He deney grubu ogrencilerinin derse karsi olumlu tutum gelistirebilecegi gözlemlenmiştir In this study, it is researched the effects of the Cooperative Learning Method on the academic achievements and the attitudes toward lesson of the sixth grade students in primary school. This study\'s sampling consists of sixty-seven students in sixth grade class at Fatih Primary School As one of these sixth grade classes are determined as \"the test group\", the other is determined as \"control group\". The subject \"Matter and Heat\" in Science and Technology Lesson was handled in both groups. While lessons were done by Cooperative Learning Method in the test group, they were done by the method of centralized teacher education in the control group. In the study Subject Achievement Test and Survey of Attitudes Toward Science and Technology were practiced for two groups as preliminary test and final test. Moreover, Survey of Sudents\' Opinions was taken to get opinions of students\' in test group about cooperative learning after the work. The analysis of data was made by using arithmetic average, Independent-Samples t-Test and Paired-Samples t-Test. According to the findings from the study; it is determined statistically that Cooperative Learning Methods practiced for the test group in the Science and Technology Lesson are more effective in increasing the achievement than the methods of centralized teacher education. It is seen that there isn\'t any significant change in test group students\' attitudes toward Science and Technology Lesson. However, it was observed that test group students would be able to improve the positive attitude toeard lesson by the Cooperative Learning Method.
Databáze: OpenAIRE