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EXPLORING DIGITAL PLATFORMS FOR MENTORINGRESEARCH AND PRACTICE1Kwan Meng, Lee; 2Yaprak,Pinar; 3Tan, John1Institute for SocialScience StudiesUniversiti PutraMalaysiaSerdang, MalaysiaTel: +60133881285Email:leekwanmeng@gmail.com2Faculty of SportSciencesGazi UniversityAnkara, TurkeyTel: +905320662716Emal: pinaryaprak@gmail.com3CARE SingaporeSingapore.Tel: +6594556946Email: john@care.sgAbstractMentoring havebeen about a caring, partnering relationship between the less experiencedmentee with mentors who are more experienced where the goal is towardsdevelopmental outcomes through quality relationships. It involves support,respect and trust and role modelling. Research studies in mentoring helps todetermine the contexts of how mentoring works, how they can work effectively,to whom are the compatible partners, and which specific individual it couldwork for. These studies seek to address the purposes of addressing the gap inexisting mentoring practices, assessing the areas for further mentoring, how toimprove the practice, determining the quality of the mentoring relationships,and establishing the shortcomings that need to be addressed. Many researchdesigns have been employed for such mentoring practices and research on youngpeople. However, from this literature review, there had hardly been anynarrative on the research designs that employed digital tools and platformswhich are important now in this digitalisation era. This review is therefore toexplore the digital platforms and tools that could be employed in place of thetraditional practices and research methodologies in mentoring research. Thereviews were accessed from available literature from academic journals, andpublished chapters of studies reported in some mentoring books. Since a mentoring programme involves many contexts,different types of research designs and instrumentations are employed toachieve different mentoring objectives. Inthis digital age, many digital platforms and tools have been developed forconstructive interactions, evaluations, research studies and surveys, both inquantitative and qualitative studies. Keywords: Mentoringresearch, digital platforms and tools, exploratory review  |