Retrospective evaluation of cases diagnosed with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis reflected in the medicolegal process [Subakut sklerozan panensefalit tanılı medikolegal sürece yansıyan olguların retrospektif değerlendirilmesi]

Autor: Silahli, N.Y., Asliyüksek, H., Celkan, T.T.
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Objective: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a late-onset chronic and mortal complication of measles. Protection from SSPE disease depends on prevention of measles disease with measles vaccine. Insufficient information and trust problems are the leading causes of vaccine instability. This situation is frequently encountered in cases with a diagnosis of SSPE, which is reflected in the medicolegal process. Material and Methods: The research was planned as a descriptive study. 16,714 reports (opinions and warrants) prepared by the 7th Specialization Board of Forensic Medicine between January 2017 and December 2020 were evaluated retrospectively. Six cases with "SSPE" diagnosis and alleged medical malpractice were included in the study. Results: Gender distribution of the SSPE cases, 5 boys (83.3%) and 1 girl (16.6%). The age range of the cases was 5-17 (median: 10). Alleged medical malpractice in all cases; It is related to the vaccination process and the defendant party is the Ministry of Health. All cases were vaccinated with at least one dose of measles vaccine. The first dose vaccination of the cases was done in the 9th month. When the clinical applications of the cases are evaluated; the average age at diagnosis was 10. Considering the clinical presentations of the cases; 1 case fever, weakness, 1 case speech disorder, 4 cases (66.6%) gait and balance disorder. When the reports of the 7th Specialization Board of the Council of Forensic Medicine in 5 (%83.3) cases, it was emphasized that SSPE disease was one of the long-term complications of measles and it was observed that there was no medical malpractice of healthcare professionals. Conclusion: In our study, when the allegations regarding the medicolegal process were evaluated, it was seen that the vaccine itself was not blamed. Although this shows that social sensitivity and trust towards childhood vaccines continue in our country, there is a need for new studies in this area. © 2021
Databáze: OpenAIRE