Current list of table grape varieties and clones

Autor: Žunić, Dragoljub, Matijašević, Saša
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Popis: List of table grape varieties which are actual for growing in Serbia are very traditional. Reason for that is probably relative small consumption of table grape, which are 4-5 kg per population. There is no professional or scientific justification. Large number of table grape varieties and clones of standard varieties had been created in the world and in us in last 20 years. Many grapevine varieties and clones had been imported in Serbia, and new varieties were created here in recent years. All this contributes to the higher quality and quantity offer of table grapes. If favorable ecological conditions have been added to this fact, we will have increased both production and consumption of table grape. The clones of standard table grape varieties: Afuz ali (966 and ISV 9), Muscat Hamburg (206 and 932), Muscat of Alexandria (308), Sultanina (919) and etc., with its features surpass population of varieties. Also, imported varieties: Matilda, Victoria, Michel Pallieri, Black Magic, Velika, Lival, Prima, Danlas and etc., supplemented varieties with different periods of maturation. Our new quality table grape varieties as Demir kapija, Karmen, Srbija, Lasta, etc., are found place in the standard production. Enriched grapevine list will affect that on both better production and consumption of table grape. Sortiment stonih sorti koje se trenutno masovnije gaje u Srbiji je dosta tradicionalan. Verovatno tome doprinosi i relativno mala potrošnja stonog grožđa (svega 4-5 kg / stanovniku). Za to nema ni stručnog ni naučnog opravdanja. U poslednjih 20 godina u Svetu i kod nas stvoren je veliki broj novih stonih sorti i selekcionisan veliki broj klonova standardnih sorti. Ako se ovome dodaju i povoljni ekološki uslovi naših vinogorja svi su izgledi da ćemo imati povećanu proizvodnju i potrošnju stonog grožđa. Klonovi standardnih sorti: Afuz-ali (klon 966 i ISV 9), Muskat hamburg (klon 206 i 932), Aleksandrijski muskat (klon 308), Sultanina bela (klon 919) i dr., svojim osobinama nadmašuju populaciju sorti. Takođe, introdukovane sorte Matilda, Victoria, Michel Pallieri, Black magic, Velika, Lival, Prima, Danlas i dr., dopunjuju sortiment različitog perioda sazrevanja. Naše novije vrlo kvalitetne stone sorte Demir kapija, Karmen, Srbija, Lasta i dr., već su našle mesto u sortimentu. Obogaćen sortiment i povoljni ekološki uslovi ispunjavaju predispozicije da budemo kvalitetni i produktivni proizvođači i potrošači stonog grožđa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE