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Basic chemical properties of rhizospheric part of solum and its function on root and ground cane rot were studied at 5 locations within Arilje-Požega and Dragačevo region. The sites varied with geo-morpho-pedomicroclimatic conditions. Raspberry plantings were in decline, 2-5 years old. Analyses of 34 soil samples from 9 open and morphological profiles in declined plots revealed the following: 1) all soils were non-carbonic along rhizospheric depth, excluding one with 8.26% of CaCO3, which, from 55 cm in depth and downwards, was moderately carbonic; 2) pH in water significantly varied ranging from extremely acid ( lt 4.5), highly acid (pH=4.5-5.0), very acid (pH=5.1-5.5) and moderately acid (pH=5.6-6.0) in two soil types; 3) the capacity of interchangeable ion absorption also varied (T=7.4-38.5 me) coupled with the sum of interchangeable ion absorbed actions (S=1.04-27.37 me); 4) all soils were rather poorly (V lt 15%) or moderately saturated with basic actions; 5) up to 50 cm in depth, out of which raspberry satisfies 52% of its water and nutrient needs, humus content ranged from 0.3-2%, which is typical for the soils very poor in it. It was inferred that the values of pH reaction, along with other parameters, favored the presence of Al-ions in absorption complex of the soils analyzed, which induces depression of root and retarded growth and development of above ground parts in very acid soils. Nevertheless, it does not mean that the mentioned state is a major factor of massive decline induced by root and ground cane rot. Namely multidisciplinary, detailed analyses should be conducted, and the results compared. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada su neke osnovne hemijske osobine rizosfernog dela soluma u funkciji njihovog uticaja na pojavu truleži korena i prizemnog dela izdanaka maline u ariljsko-požeškom i dragačevskom malinogorju različitih po geo-morfo-pedomikroklimatskim uslovima u zasadima maline u propadanju, starim 2-5 godina. Na osnovu sprovedenih laboratorijskih istraživanja utvrđeno je da svi ispitani uzorci, bez obzira na lokaciju poseduju prilično nepovoljne hemijske osobine. Pripadaju grupi vrlo slabo do slabo humoznih zemljišta sa malim kapacitetom adsorpcije i stepenom zasićenosti baznim katjonima (distrični). Osim toga karakterišu se visokom hidrolitičkom kiselošću i veoma malim pH vrednostima, koje ukazuju na prisustvo razmenjivog Al u adsorptivnom kompleksu. Takvo stanje kiselosti može dovesti do depresivnog stanja korena i usporenog rasta i razvića nadzemnog vegetativnog dela maline. Međutim, to ne znači da se bez širih multidisciplinarnih sveobuhvatnih analiza i povezivanja svih mogućih činjenica, može sa sigurnošću tvrditi da je to stanje baš osnovni uzrok sve masovnije pojave propadanja zasada truljenjem korena i prizemnog dela izdanaka maline. |