Content of essential microelements in raspberry and blueberry fruits grown on different soils from north Montenegro

Autor: Jovančević, Miodrag, Balijagić, Jasmina, Antić-Mladenović, Svetlana, Radanović, Dragoja
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Zemljište i biljka
Popis: The content of essential microelements in raspberry and blueberry fruits from the area of the North Montenegro has been investigated. The content of microelements in the soils has also been analyzed, as well humus content and soil reaction. The investigated soils from the mountain area are acid and very acid with high and very high humus content, while pH of the soils from the river valleys ranged from slightly acid to neutral with significantly lower humus content. The pseudo-total content of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu and Co in all analyzed soils is within range expected for uncontaminated soils. The amount of iron in raspberry fruits was 142.9 mg kg-1 on average with the variation interval of 86.3-235 mg kg-1, and in the blueberry fruits 130.3 mg kg-1 with wider variation interval (52-327 mg kg-1) in the individual samples. The average amount of Mn in blueberry fruits was 477.7 mg kg-1 with the variation interval 164.8-770,1 mg kg-1, and in raspberry fruits 350 mg kg-1 with the variation interval of 129.8-848 mg kg-1. The average amount of zinc was similar in both investigated fruits, 24.7 mg kg-1 in raspberry i.e. 29.3 mg kg-1 in blueberry with the variation interval of 15-30 mg kg-1 in raspberry, i.e. 9.75-162.0 mg kg-1 in blueberry. The amount of copper in raspberry and blueberry fruits was within the interval of 6.3-21.5 mg kg-1. The amount of Co in raspberry and blueberry fruits was within the interval of 0.78-2.03 kg-1 where the average amount was higher in raspberry (1.42 mg kg-1) than in blueberry (0.91 mg kg-1). The amounts of zinc and copper in blueberry and raspberry fruits were at expected levels for these fruit species, while the amounts of manganese, iron and cobalt were above the expected concentrations, although much lower than critical concentrations in plants, when toxicity symptoms or yield reduction might occur. Considering all of that, it can be concluded that raspberry and blueberry fruits form the area of the north of Montenegro are rich in these minerals. . Istraživan je sadržaj esencijalnih mikroelemenata u plodovima maline i borovnice sa područja severne Crne Gore. Analiziran je i sadržaj mikroelemenata, % humusa i pH reakcija zemljišta. Zemljišta planinskih lokaliteta su kisele i jako kisele reakcije uz visok i vrlo visok sadržaj humusa, dok je u zemljištima rečnih dolina reakcija slabo kisela do neutralna uz značajno niži sadržaj humusa. Sadržaj pseudoukupnog Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu i Co u svim analiziranim zemljištima je u granicama uobičajenim za nekontaminirana zemljišta. Sadržaj gvožđa u plodu maline bio je u proseku 142,9 mg kg-1 uz interval variranja od 86,3-235 mg kg-1 a u plodu borovnice, 130,3 mg kg-1 uz nešto širi interval variranja od 52-327,5 mg kg-1 u pojedinačnim uzorcima. Prosečan sadržaj Mn u plodu borovnice bio je 477,7 mg kg-1sa intervalom variranja od 164,8-770,1 mg kg-1a u plodu maline 350 mg kg-1 sa intervalom variranja od 129,8-848 mg kg-1. Prosečan sadržaj cinka bio je sličan kod obe vrste plodova, 24,7 mg kg-1 kod maline odnosno 29,3 mg kg-1 kod borovnice uz interval variranja od 15-30 mg kg-1 kod maline, odnosno 9,75-162,00 mg kg-1 kod borovnice. Sadržaj bakra u plodovima borovnice i maline bio je najčešće u intervalu 6,3-21,5 mg kg-1. Sadržaj Co u plodovima maline i borovnice bio je u intervalu od 0,78-2,03 mg kg-1 pri čemu je prosečni sadržaj bio viši u malini (1,42 mg kg-1) nego u borovnici (0,91 mg kg-1). Sadržaj cinka i bakra u plodovima borovnice i maline bio je na uobičajenom nivou za ovu vrstu plodova dok su sadržaji mangana, gvožđa i kobalta bili iznad uobičajenih koncentracija, ali znatno ispod vrednosti pri kojima može da dođe do pojave simptoma toksičnosti ili redukcije prinosa. Na osnovu toga može se konstatovati da su plodovi borovnice i maline sa područja severe Crne Gore bogati ovim mineralima. U ovom istraživanju nije utvrđena jasna korelativna veza između analiziranih svojstava zemljišta i sadržaja esencijalnih mikroelemenata u plodovima borovnice i maline. .
Databáze: OpenAIRE