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Self-compatibility in 25 apricot cultivars of European ecogeographical group was studied. Flowers were pollinated in laboratory conditions and than the growth of pollen tubes in the styles of pistils was observed by means of fluorescence microscopy. In self-compatible cultivars almost in all pistils (95 - 100%) at least one pollen tube reached the ovary, and frequently the ovule (33 - 94%). In self-incompatible cultivars pollen tubes ceased growth in the style by forming plugs due to callose accumulation. In these cultivars pollen tubes very rarely (0 - 14%) reached the ovary, whereas they were not found in the ovules. Out of all tested cultivars, 16 were found to be self-compatible: Precoce de Tytinthe, Ambrosia, Vera, Cacak's Flat, San Castrese, Cacak's Gold, Kécskei rózsa, Callatis, Krasniy Partizan, Ceglédi Biborkajszi, Mamaia, Roxana, Silistrenska kompotna, Biljana, Bergeron and Hungarian Best and 9 were found to be self-incompatible: Ceglédi Órijs Fruškogorska Rana, Stella, Novosadska Rana, Szegedi Mammut, Stark Early Orange, Late Dryanovska, Harcot and Ligeti Órijs. Metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije ispitivana je samooplodnost kod 25 sorti kajsije. Među proučavanim sortama 16 je bilo autokompatibilnih i kod njih je kod skoro svih tučkova bar jedna polenova cevčica stigla do plodnika. Autoinkompatibilnost je bila izražena kod 9 sorti kod kojih su polenove cevčice zaustavljale rast u stubiću tučka uz formiranje karakterističnih zadebljanja na krajevima. |