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The aim of this paper was to outline the potential interests in alternative wheat species in the organic crop production. This paper deals with results on the effects of the organic field production on the grain yield of different alternative winter wheat species in the period 2005/06-2007/08. The study was performed on leached chernozem in at the Radmilovac experimental field station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun. The obtained results show that the wheat grain yield was higher in the first and the last year of investigations in which the meteorological conditions were more favourable. Alternative wheat species (Triticum spelta, Triticum aestivum ssp. compactum and Triticum durum) had lower grain yields than a commercial cultivar Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare NS-40S. Although this is a well known fact, alternative wheat species organically produced have better quality and the price on markets. The grain yield of different winter wheat species obtained in the combination of organic fertiliser and microbiological fertiliser was higher than the yield obtained in just organic fertiliser variant. The grain yield increased with the level of inorganic nitrogen. . U radu je ispitivan uticaj organske tehnologije gajenja ozime pšenice na prinos zrna alternativnih vrsta ozime pšenice. Organska tehnologija gajenja uključivala je konvencionalnu obradu zemljišta, đubrenje organskim i mikrobiološkim đubrivom bez hemijske zaštite useva i tri sorte različitih alternativnih vrsta pšenice. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 'Radmilovcu' eksperimentalnom dobru Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu-Zemunu na zemljištu tipa izloženog černozema u trogodišnjem periodu (2005/06-2007/08). Najviši prinos zrna u ovom ispitivanju u organskoj tehnologiji gajenja dobijen je sa vrstom Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare - inače hlebnom sortom NS 40-S, što je statistički vrlo signifikantno u poređenju sa prinosom alternativnih žita. Kod alternativnih žita dobijeni su ujednačeni, ali niži prinosi. Najviši prinos od alternativnih vrsta pšenice imala je Triticum spelta - krupnik, sorta nirvana (4,78 t/ha). Ovaj prinos je vrlo značajno viši od preostale dve ispitivane alternativne vrste. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da alternativne vrste pšenice, i pored nešto nižeg prinosa koji daju u odnosu na konvencionalne hlebne sorte, zbog svojih specifičnosti u kvalitativnom smislu, mogu biti vrlo interesantne proizođačima za gajenje u organskoj proizvodnji. . |