Motives of buying organic products in the Republic of Serbia

Autor: Ćendić, Jelena, Zarić, Vlade
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Agroekonomika
Popis: In order to achieve a better position on the market and eliminate the risk of failure, it is necessary to establish an adequate marketing orientation and accordingly adjust its products to consumers. The organic food market in the Republic of Serbia is still in the stage of its creation. The results of empirical research show that the main motive for purchasing organic food is the health care of domestic consumers, while the most important limiting factors are the high price of organic food, in comparison to the price of conventional food, and the low purchasing power of the population. Preferences of domestic consumers indicate that the structure of purchased organic products most often contains fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, while organic meat is consumed by very few consumers, due to the very high price and lack of market. In order to improve the consumption of organic food in the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to draw consumers attention to positive effects of organic food consumption through adequate educational and marketing activities. Da bi se postigla bolja pozicija na tržištu u odnosu na konkurenciju i istovremeno eliminisao rizik od neuspeha, neophodno je uspostaviti adekvatnu marketing orijentaciju i u skladu sa tim svoje proizvode prilagoditi zahtevima potrošača. Tržište organske hrane u Republici Srbiji je još uvek u fazi nastajanja. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da je osnovni motiv kupovine organske hrane domaćih potrošača briga o zdravlju, dok je najvažniji limitirajući faktor kupovine visoka cena organske hrane u odnosu na konvencionalnu, sa jedne strane i niska kupovna moć stanovništva sa druge strane. Preferencije domaćih potrošača ukazuju na to da se u strukturi kupovine organskih proizvoda najčešće i u najvećem obimu mogu naći sveže voće i povrće, kao i mlečni proizvodi, dok organsko meso redovno konzumira veoma Mali broj potrošača, zbog veoma visoke cene i nesnabdevenosti tržišta. Da bi se unapredila potrošnja organske hrane u Republici Srbiji neophodno je adekvatnim edukativnim i marketing aktivnostima uputiti potrošače u pozitivne efekte konzumiranja organskih proizvoda.
Databáze: OpenAIRE