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Coccidiosis is very significant parasitic disease that is widely spread throughout the world. Besides health hazard the economic problems that come with the disease, especially in intensive broiler production, cannot be overlooked. With proper diet, adequate hygiene, and medication application many diseases of this type, as well as coccidiosis, can be avoided. In coccidiosis prevention application of medicines is very efficient. In our conditions most frequently applied medicines are Amprolium and its combinations, sulphonamides, ionoform antibiotics etc. Medication application is mainly not recommendable because of the coccidian resistance and residual remainders in the edible tissues of poultry. Last decade is marked with new strategy in fight against coccidiosis and that is the immune prophylaxis. This paper presents results of broiler fattening performed with feed that did not contain any coccidiostatic and with feed that contained Kokcisan 120G and Diclacox. In order to examine the effect of medications in prevention of coccidiosis three groups were formed. First was control group and it received feed without coccidiostatic. Second group received feed with Kokcisan 120G and third group received feed with Diclacox. Research has shown that effect of application of both medicines was positive and that there was no coccidiosis detected, lethality percent was within the technologic normative. Based on research results we can conclude that it is necessary to apply some coccidiostatic in order to prevent coccidiosis of broilers. U radu je prikazana efikasnost leka Kokcisan 120G i leka Diclacox u prevenciji kokcidioze brojlera. Ogled je izveden na brojlerima hibrida ROSS 308. Brojleri su podeljeni u 3 grupe po 100 komada. Od prvog dana tova pa do 28 dana, prva grupa brojlera dobijale je potpunu smešu (PKS) bez kokcidiotika, druga dobijala PKS sa lekom Kokcisan 120G, a treća grupa dobijala PKS sa lekom Diclacox . Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je je da su lekovi Kokcisan 120G, koji je primenjivan tokom 4 nedelje tova u dozi od 500g/t hrane i lek Diclacox, koji je primenjivan u dozi od 200g/t hrane tokom istog perioda dali pozitivne preventivne efekte, jer je mortalitet iznosio 5% i 6% u odnosu na prvu grupu brojlera koja u hrani nije dobijala kokcidiostatik sa mortalitetom od 13%. U toku primene lekova nisu zapažena nikakva neželjena dejstva. |