Quarantine weeds in alfalfa seed and their influence on processing efficiency

Autor: Djokić, Dragoslav, Stanisavljević, Rade, Marković, Jordan, Mileusnić, Zoran, Dimitrijević, Aleksandra, Barać, Saša
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Poljoprivredna tehnika
Popis: In the process of alfalfa seed processing, all relevant parameters are directly dependant on presence of weed species and other impurities in natural seed, as well as on the equipment used. The higher amount of weed in natural alfalfa seed lowers the total amount of processed seed, making the processing harder and more expensive. In alfalfa crop, quarantine weeds are especially harmful, such as dodder (Cuscuta spp.) and curly dock (Rumex spp.). One of the greatest problems in alfalfa planting is the presence of harmful parasitic flowering plant dodder (Cuscuta spp.) which is typical weed - alfalfa parasite that lowers hay and seed production. The paper shows the results of the analysis of influence different weed content from two lots of natural alfalfa seed (I, II) of different purity, on the relevant processing parameters. Processing of the both lots of seed was done on the same equipment. The relevant parameters that define alfalfa seed processing effects were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other cultures (%), inert matters (%), seed processing time (h), consumption of active (kWh) and reactive power (kVArh), processed seed quantity (kg), metal powder (kg) and water (l) consumption, processing output (%) and seed losses (%). U procesu dorade semena lucerke svi relevantni parametri dorade direktno zavise od zastupljenosti korovskih vrsta i ostalih primesa u naturalnom semenu, kao i od sistema mašina koji se koristi za doradu. Veći sadržaj štetnih korova u naturalnom semenu lucerke smanjuje ukupnu količinu dorađenog semena, otežava i poskupljuje doradu. U usevu lucerke posebno su štetni karantinski korovi, vilina kosica (Cuscuta spp.) i štavelj (Rumex spp.). Jedan od najvećih problema u gajenju lucerke je prisustvo štetne parazitske cvetnice viline kosice (Cuscuta spp.) koja je tipičan korov - parazit lucerke koji smanjuje proizvodnju sena i semena. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize uticaja različitog sadržaja semena korova u dve partije naturalnog semena lucerke (I, II) različitih čistoća, na relevantne parametre dorade. Dorada obe partije semena obavljala se na istom sistemu mašina. Relevantni parametri koji definišu efekte dorade semena lucerke bili su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), vreme dorade semena (h), utrošak aktivne (kWh) i reaktivne električne energije (kVArh), količina dorađenog semena (kg), utrošak metalnog praha (kg) i vode (l), randman dorade (%) i gubici semena (%).
Databáze: OpenAIRE