Phenotypic and genetic variability of sows productive and longevity traits

Autor: Popovac, Mladen
Přispěvatelé: Radojković, Dragan, Petrović, Milica, Radović, Ivan, Savić, Radomir, Djedović, Radica
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The trial was conducted on one of the pig farms in the Republic of Serbia and included production results of 4768 breeding females (gilts and sows) of the Swedish Landrace breed and their F1 generation crossbreds with Great Yorkshire breed. The trial included four groups of traits such as follows: the traits of weight gain and quality of gilt carcass and the traits of the size of litter and longevity of sows. In total following nine traits were analysed: gilts lifetime daily weight gain (ŽDP), gilts age at the end of test (UKT), average thickness of bacon in gilts (DS), depth of MLD in gilts (DM), percentage of meat in gilt carcass (PM), number of live-born piglets in sow litter (BŽP), length of sow productive life (DPŽ), total number of sows farrowing (UBP) and total number of live-born piglets per sow (UBŽP). Following average values of studied traits were determined: ŽDP 525,51 g/day; UKT 189,53 day; DS 14,50 mm; DM 47,43 mm; PM 56,44 %; BŽP 10,31; DPŽ 739,92 day; UBP 5,14 and UBŽP 52,85. In the analysis of systematic part of model which involved all studied traits we have used the Least Square Method while longevity traits, besides aforementioned methodological procedure, were analysed also by means of the survival analysis method (Weibull model) in order to determine statistical significance and level of risk for these traits manifestation per studied variability factors. ŽDP, UKT, DS, DM and PM statistically significantly varied under the influence of season of the end of performance test, as well as under the influence of gilt genotype with the exception of DM where statistical significance of the effect of this factor was not determined. Regression influence of finishing body mass in test was significant in all traits in which it was included in the model (ŽDP, DS, DM, PM). BŽP statistically significantly varied under the impact of all studied fixed and regression factors (order of farrowing, season of successful conception, sow genotype, sire of the litter, class of duration of previous period weaning - conception, age of sow at farrowing, length of previous lactation). DPŽ, UBP and UBŽP statistically significantly varied under the influence of sow genotype, season of the first successful conception, number of live-born piglets in the first litter, age at the mass of 100 kg, average thickness of bacon at the mass of 100 kg and age of sow at the first farrowing... Istraživanje je sprovedeno na jednoj farmi svinja u Republici Srbiji i obuhvatilo je proizvodne rezultate 4768 plotkinja (nazimica ili krmača) rase švedski landras i njihovih meleza F1 generacije sa rasom veliki jorkšir. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno četri grupe osobina i to: osobine porasta i kvaliteta trupa nazimica i osobine veličine legla i dugovečnosti krmača. Ukupno je analizirano devet osobina: životni dnevni prirast nazimica (ŽDP), uzrast na kraju testa nazimica (UKT), prosečna debljina slanine nazimica (DS), dubina MLD – a nazimica (DM), procenat mesa u trupu nazimica (PM), broj živorođene prasadi u leglu krmača (BŽP), dužina produktivnog života krmača (DPŽ), ukupan broj prašenja krmača (UBP) i ukupan broj živorođene prasadi krmača (UBŽP). Utvrđene su sledeće prosešne vrednosti ispitivanih osobina: ŽDP 525,51 g/dan; UKT 189,53 dan; DS 14,50 mm; DM 47,43 mm; PM 56,44 %; BŽP 10,31; DPŽ 739,92 dan; UBP 5,14 i UBŽP 52,85. U analizi sistematskog dela modela svih ispitivanih osobina korišćene je metod najmanjih kvadrata, dok je kod osobina dugovečnosti pored navedenog metodološkog postupka korišćen i metod analize preživljvanja (Vejbulov model - Weibull model) kako bi se utvrdila statistička značajnost i nivo rizika za ispoljenost ovih osobina po ispitivanim faktorima varijabilnosti. ŽDP, UKT, DS, DM i PM su statistički značajno varilali pod uticajem sezone kraja performans tetsta, kao i pod uticajem genotipa nazimice, sa izuzetkom DM gde nije ustanovljena statistička značajnost delovanja ovog faktora. Regresijski uticaj završne telesne mase u testu bio je značajan kod svih osobina kod kojih je bio uključen u model (ŽDP, DS, DM, PM). BŽP je statistički značajno varirao pod uticajem svih ispitivanih fiksnih i regresijskih faktora (redosled prašenja, sezona uspešne oplodnje, genotip krmače, otac legla, klasa trajanja prethodnog perioda zalučenje - oplodnja, starost krmače unutar prašenja, trajanje prethodne laktacije). DPŽ, UBP i UBŽP su statistički značajno varirali pod uticajem genotipa krmače, sezone prve uspešne oplodnje, broja živorođene prasadi u prvom legu, uzrasta pri masi od 100 kg, prosečne debljine slanine pri masi od 100 kg i starosti krmače pri prvom prašenju...
Databáze: OpenAIRE