Analiza uticaja nivoa obrazovanja i navika u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem majki na navike u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem i stepenom oralne higijene dece
Autor: | Stevanović, Marko, Cvetković, Andrijana, Ivanović, Mirjana, Martinović, Brankica, Milosavljević, Zoraida, Stošović-Kalezić, Ivana, Milić, Svetlana |
Rok vydání: | 2016 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Praxis medica |
Popis: | Children in early childhood acquire habits regarding oral health which in later life are very difficult to change. These habits children learn from their parents or guardian, usually a mother. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the level of education and habits regarding oral health habits of mothers in the oral health of children and their level of oral hygiene. The study included a total of 146 pairs of children (aged 5 years) and their mothers. All respondents were from the territory of Kosovska Mitrovica. The education level of mothers and their habits related to oral health, as well as the habits of children related to oral health were determined using a questionnaire. Oral hygiene in children is determined by clinical examination using a plaque index after Silness-LOE. From the total number of mothers 52.7% had secondary education, and 47.3% had university graduates. Test results showed that the level of education of mothers had a crucial importance to the quality of oral hygiene in children. From the total number of surveyed children, 53.4% of children had a PI ≤1, and 46.6% of children PI ˃1. The results indicate that children of mothers who brush their teeth two or three times a day also brush their teeth twice or more a day (62%), as well as visits to the dentist mothers in the past 12 months has an impact on more regular visits of children at the dentist. Mother's assistance during teeth washing is very important by the data that 69% of children who brush their teeth with mother's assistance has a plaque index ≤1. Toothpaste with fluoride is used by 76% of children. Although children of mothers who have better habits related to oral health also have better habits and better oral hygiene, the situation is far from ideal, attention should be directed towards educating parents, and thereby indirectly the children. Deca u toku ranog detinjstva stiču navike u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem koje se u kasnijem dobu života teško menjaju. Ove navike deca usvajaju od svojih roditelja ili staratelja, a naj češće majke. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj nivoa obrazovanja i navika u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem majki na navike vezane za oralno zdravlje dece i stepen njihove oralne higijene. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 146 parova dece (starosti 5 godina) i njihovih majki. Svi ispitanici su bili sa teritorije Kosovske Mitrovice. Nivo obrazovanja majki i njihove navike vezane za oralno zdravlje, kao i navike dece vezane za oralno zdravlje utvrđene su pomoću anketnog upitnika. Stepen oralne higijene kod dece je utvrđen kliničkim pregledom uz upotrebu Plak indeksa po Silness-Löe-u. Od ukupnog broja ispitanih majki 52,7% imalo je srednju stručnu spremu, a 47,3% visoku stručnu spremu. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da nivo obrazovanja majki nije imao presudan značaj na kvalitet oralne higijene kod dece. Od ukupnog broja ispitane dece, 53,4% dece je imalo PI ≤ 1, a 46,6% dece PI ˃1. Rezultati govore da deca onih majki koje peru zube dva ili tri puta dnevno takođe peru zube dva ili više puta dnevno (62%), kao i da poseta majki stomatologu u proteklih 12 meseci ima uticaja na redovnije odlaske dece kod stomatologa. Da je asistencija majki prilikom pranja zube veoma zna čajna govore i podaci da 69% dece koja peru zube uz pomoć majki ima Plak indeks ≤1. Pastu sa fluoridima koristi 76% dece. Iako deca onih majki koje imaju kvalitetnije navike vezane za oralno zdravlje takođe imaju bolje navike i bolju oralnu higijenu, situacija je daleko od idealne, pažnju treba usmeriti ka edukaciji roditelja, a time indirektno i dece. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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