Za i protiv primene marihuane (kanabisa) u veterinarskoj medicini

Autor: Ćupić, Vitomir, Ivanović, Saša, Borozan, Sunčica, Mujezinović, Indira, Prevendar Crnić, Andreja, Bartula, Mirjana, Velev, Romel, Ćupić Miladinović, Dejana, Anadon, Arturo
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: 13th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Toxicology and 1st TOXSEE Regional Conference, belgrade, 10-12 May, 2023
Popis: Poznato je da se marihuana (i proizvodi od nje), danas sve više koristi, kako za medicinske, tako i rekreativne svrhe kod ljudi. U skladu sa ovim jeste i činjenica da je poslednjih godina značajno poraslo i naučno interesovanje za primenu marihuane. Najbolji dokaz za to je i broj citata u PubMedu, koji je u periodu od 2000 do 2002 iznosio svega 40, da bi u periodu od 2014. do 2016. porastao na 458, a danas je još veći. U Severnoj Americi i Evropi su mnoge zemlje donele zakone koji dozvoljavaju medicinsku upotrebu određenih proizvoda proizvedenih od kanabisa kod ljudi, a neke zemlje su donele zakone koji dozvoljavaju i rekreativnu upotrebu. Međutim, sa porastom ove primene, rastao je i broj slučajeva toksikoza kod kućnih ljubimaca, nastalih usled trovanja marihuanom. Ovaj problem je postao još veći kada su vlasnici životinja u želji da pomognu svojim ljubimcima, kod raznih stanja i poremećaja pokušali iste da izleče, upravo primenom proizvoda od marihuane. Već dugo vremena vlasnici životinja širom sveta postavljaju pitanja: „Da li su marihuana i njeni proizvodi legalni, sigurni i efikasni za lečenje raznih poremećaja kod životinja?“ Imajući ovo u vidu, cilj ovog rada je da se naše kolege (kroz prikaz različitih vrsta marihuane i njenih proizvoda, kao i primera primene istih kod životinja kroz istoriju, te postojeće zakonske regulative i propisa), bar malo upoznaju sa primenom istih (kao lekova i/ili suplemenata) u kliničkoj veterinarskoj praksi, ali i sa mogućim trovanjima i (usled toga) potrebnim upozorenjima vezanim za njihovu primenu. It is known that marijuana (and its products) is used more and more today, both for medical and recreational purposes by people. In line with this is the fact that scientific interest in the use of marijuana has grown significantly in recent years. The best evidence for this is the number of citations in PubMed, which in the period from 2000 to 2002 was only 40, and in the period from 2014 to 2016, it increased to 458, and today it is even higher. In North America and Europe, many countries have passed laws allowing the medical use of certain cannabis products in humans, and some countries have passed laws allowing recreational use as well. However, with the increase in this application, the number of cases of toxicosis in pets, caused by marijuana poisoning, also increased. This problem became even greater when animal owners, in their desire to help their pets, tried to cure them of various conditions and disorders, precisely by using marijuana products. For a long time, animal owners around the world have asked the question: "Are marijuana and its products legal, safe and effective for treating various disorders in animals?". Bearing this in mind, the aim of this paper is that our colleagues (through the presentation of different types of marijuana and its products, as well as examples of their use in animals throughout history, and the existing laws and regulations), become a bit familiar with the application of the same (as medicines and/or supplements) in clinical veterinary practice, but also with possible poisonings and (as a result) necessary warnings related to their use. Abstract book
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