Analysis of efficiency and profitability in the sector diversified tourist companies

Autor: Doncheva, Dora, Ivanova, Desislava
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: This article has the aim to analyze the sectoral profitability of diversified companies in the tourism. Diversification of the companies in the sector could be an effective defensive strategy to reduce risk in economic and financial crisis, seasonality and cyclicality in the industry. Effective restructuring of temporarily free resources and entering into new products in areas remote from the main activity is an opportunity for more efficient total operation of diversified firms. The tourism is one of the priority sectors in Bulgaria and as such he undoubtedly has its macroeconomic significance and place in the Bulgarian economy. Indices of turnover at current prices for the past two years have declined from an average of 15%, due to financial and economic crisis in the global and national scale. Potential of domestic tourism for the realization of economic and social effects makes it more attractive and preferred area for investment and a priority policy of various structures of public and private sectors.
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