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U ovom diplomskom radu nastojalo se osmisliti igračku za razvoj kognitivnih vještina djece koja bi svojim načinom primjene bila drugačija od postojećih rješenja. Za razvoj samog proizvoda proučila se psihološka strana igre i samog utjecaja određene vrste igre na razvoj. Uz pomoć toga, proučena su postojeća rješenja i patenti te se osmislio proizvod koji bi povezivao sve optimalne postojeće dijelove u proizvod koji je inovativan i konkurentan na tržištu. Proizvod je nastao povezivanjem igračaka s kojima se svatko igrao u djetinjstvu zajedno sa suvremenom tehnologijom. S obzirom na provedena testiranja s djecom i pozitivne ishode, zaključilo se da se s projektom ozbiljno želi krenuti u proizvodnju i na tržište. Stoga je napravljen i poslovni plan koji bi ukazao na određene smjerove prema kojima treba težiti. The aim of this thesis is to make a toy for the development of children's cognitive skills that is different from other existing solutions. For the purpose of developing the product, a study was made in order to determine the game's psychological characteristics and the impacts of certain types of games on children's development. With the help of this, the existing solutions and patents were studied and a product was created that combines all the optimal existing parts and is innovative and competitive in the market. The product was created by linking together the toy that everyone played with in their childhoods with modern technology. It was concluded that the project has potential and there are serious plans about placing it on the market. Therefore, a business plan was made that would indicate specific directions towards which this project should strive. |