Industrijski robotski sustav za manipulaciju dijelovima u pokretu

Autor: Radić, Ivan
Přispěvatelé: Švaco, Marko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: U ovom je radu opisan robotski sustav za manipulaciju dijelovima u pokretu, realiziran uporabom industrijske opreme u Laboratoriju za autonomne sustave u CRTA-i na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje. Sustav je izveden sinkronizacijom rada triju industrijskih robota na zadatku kružnog transporta objekata na transportne trake. Primjenom softverskih opcija Machine vision, Line tracking i Vision Line Tracking postignut je nadzor putanje robota pri izvršavanju pick and place zadataka. U radu se svaki robot koristi jednom od navedenih softverskih opcija da bi pronašao položaj zadanog objekta na pokretnoj traci ili horizontalnoj ravnini, što je početni položaj objekata u sustavu. Cilj robotskog sustava za manipulaciju dijelovima u pokretu je, nakon početnog punjenja sustava objektima pomoću SCARA robota, kontrolom dvaju delta-robota ostvariti neprekidan kružni rad hvatanja i odlaganja objekta u pokretu. Da bi se ostvarila definirana funkcionalnost sustava, bilo je potrebno za rad osposobiti tri robotske stanice. U ovom je radu za vizualno pronalaženje objekata na stanici SCARA robota SR-6iA primijenjen softverski paket iRVision. Na delta-robotu M-3iA konfigurirana je Tracking opcija za linijsko praćenje objekta na traci, dok je za vizualno praćenje objekta s pomoću delta-robota DR-3iB bilo potrebno izraditi programski kôd za određivanje položaja objekta na traci. Programskim kôdom kombiniraju se podaci prikupljeni iz iRVision i Tracking programa, konfiguriranih na delta-robotu DR-3iB. Što se tiče hardverskih rješenja, konstruiran je i instaliran nosač za enkodere, koji su konfigurirani da bi robotima slali podatke o položaju ulazne pokretne trake. Da bi se pronašla prisutnost objekata, na bočne strane pokretnih traka postavljeni su senzori, koji su potomo žičeni na digitalne ulaze robota. Izrađeni su nosači za kamere, te su one postavljene i na SCARA robotu SR-6iA i delta-robotu DR-3iB kalibrirani su vizijski sustavi za pronalaženje objekta. Nadalje, za početni položaj predmeta rada postavljena je horizontalna ravnina, s koje SCARA robot puni sustav predmetima rada. Za sve robote bilo je potrebno instalirati pneumatske sustave za dotok zraka i ožičiti signale digitalnih izlaza za aktivaciju pneumatskih ventila. Uz to, na SCARA robotu SR-6iA i delta-robotu DR-3iB konstruirani su i integrirani radni alati s pneumatskim hvataljkama. Na svim su robotima izrađeni sigurnosni programski kodovi za zaustavljanje cijelog sustava ako dođe do prekida snopa sigurnosnih senzora. Na kraju je bilo potrebno dizajnirati upravljački HMI zaslon, kao centralno mjesto za automatsko pokretanje sustava. This master thesis describes a robotic system for the manipulation of moving parts realized, using industrial equipment in the Laboratory for Autonomous Systems at CRTA at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding. The system was implemented by synchronizing the work of three industrial robots on the task of circular object transportation onto conveyor belts. By using the software options Machine Vision, Line Tracking, and Vision Line Tracking, it was possible to control the paths of the robot during the execution of pick-and-place tasks. During the operation, each robot uses one of the listed software options to detect the position of a given object on the conveyor belt or horizontal plane, which is the initial position of the objects in the system. After the initial filling of the system with objects using the SCARA robot, the goal of the robot system for manipulating parts in motion is to achieve a continuous circular operation of catching and placing objects in motion, under the control of two delta robots. To achieve the defined functionality of the system, it was necessary to capacitate three robotic stations.In this project, the iRVision software package was used for visual detection of objects at the SCARA robot SR-6iA station. On the delta robot M-3iA, the Tracking option was configured for linear tracking of the object on the track, while for the visual tracking of the object using the delta robot DR-3iB, it was necessary to create a program code to determine the position of the object on the track. The program code combines the data collected from the iRVision and Tracking programs configured on the delta Robot DR-3iB. As for the hardware solutions, a holder for the encoders was designed and installed, and the encoders were configured to send information about the input conveyor belt position to the robots. To detect the presence of objects, sensors were placed on the sides of the conveyorbelts and wired to the Robot's digital inputs. Camera mounts were made, cameras were installed and the vision system for object detection was calibrated on the SCARA Robot SR6iA and delta Robot DR-3iB. Furthermore, a horizontal plane was set for the initial position of the work object, from which the robot fills the system with work objects. It was necessary for all robots to install pneumatic systems for the air supply and to wire digital output signals to activate the pneumatic valves. In addition, integrated work tools with pneumatic grippers were designed on the SCARA Robot SR-6iA and delta Robot DR-3iB. Safety programming codes have been created on all robots, to stop the entire system if the beam of safety sensors is interrupted. In the end, it was necessary to design a control HMI screen as the main place for automatic system startup.
Databáze: OpenAIRE