Dynamic simulation and optimization of solar hot water system in nearly zero energy building

Autor: Patrčević, Filip
Přispěvatelé: Dović, Damir
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: U ovom radu razvijen je računalni program za simulaciju i optimizaciju solarnog toplovodnog sustava koji se koristi za potrebe grijanja prostora i pripremu potrošne tople vode. Program je temeljen na metodama proračuna prema normama iz skupine normi EN 15316:2017 i normi prEN 15316-5:2021. U navedenim normama pronađene su nepravilnosti i nedostaci te su ovim radom dani prijedlozi korekcije korištenih metoda proračuna. Proračun se provodi na satnoj razini tijekom godine za odabranu „gotovo nula energetsku zgradu“, za klimatsko područje grada Zagreba. Određuje se troškovno optimalno rješenje termotehničkog sustava te se dobiveni rezultati uspoređuju s rezultatima dobivenim u programu "MGIPU Energetski Certifikator". Također je provedena analiza utjecaja pojedinih parametara termotehničkog sustava na energetsku učinkovitost sustava. In this thesis, an appropriate computer program was developed for simulation and optimization of the solar hot water system, used for space heating and domestic hot water needs. The program is based on calculation methods according to the set of standards EN 15316:2017 and standard prEN 15316-5:2021. Errors and shortcomings were found in the mentioned standards and thus in this paper are given suggestions for the correction of the used calculation methods. The calculation is carried out on an hourly basis during the year for the selected “nearly zero-energy building”, for the climate area of the city of Zagreb. The cost-optimal solution of thermotechnical system is determined, and the obtained results are compared with the results obtained in the "MGIPU Energetski Certifikator". An analysis of the influence of certain parameters of the thermotechnical system on the energy efficiency of the system was also performed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE