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Tema ovog rada su moguća unapređenja u području studija rada i analize vremena koja su omogućena pojavom Industrije 4.0. U prvom dijelu rada opisan je studij rada i analiza vremena te je dan pregled softvera koji se koriste u tom području. Uz to, pojašnjen je koncept Industrije 4.0 te su opisani njeni najbitniji čimbenici. U zadnjem dijelu rada opisana su rješenja koja predstavljaju implementaciju Industrije 4.0 u području studija rada i analize vremena. Time je obrađen pregled senzora koji mogu pomoći u modernizaciji proizvodnje i organizaciji rada te su priložena dva istraživačka rada na temelju kojih se mogu uvidjeti mogućnosti napretka u praćenju ljudskog rada prilikom korištenja neuronske mreže i moderne tehnologije praćenja pokreta. Topic of this thesis are possible improvements in the field of work study and time analysis which were possible by the emergence of Industry 4.0. Work study and time analysis are described in first part of thesis and is given an overview of the software used in that area. In addition, the concept of Industry 4.0 is clarified and its most important factors are described. In the last part of the thesis are described solutions that indicate the implementation of Industry 4.0 in the field of work study and time analysis. In this way, an overview of sensors that can help in the modernization of production and organization of work is processed, also two research papers are attached, on the basis of which one can see the possibilities of progress in monitoring human work when using neural networks and modern motion tracking technology. Key words: work study and time analysis, Industry 4.0, sensors |