Dock model for electric ships with integrated renewable energy sources and battery energy storage

Autor: Erdelja, Marko
Přispěvatelé: Krajačić, Goran
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Elektrifikacija različitih sektora, poput sektora transporta, jedan je od ključnih elemenata energetske tranzicije. Ona se odnosi na prijelaz s korištenja fosilnih goriva na proizvodnju energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije poput sunčeve na solarnim panelima, iskorištavanjem hidroenergije i energije vjetra, energije valova, plime i oseke i dr. Također, elektrifikacija uključuje i zamjenu fosilnih goriva u sektorima koji su trenutno najveći zagađivači, poput prometa. Električni prijevoz, kao što su električni automobili i autobusi, već su dostupni, a sada se pojavljuju i električni brodovi koji se mogu koristiti za prijevoz ljudi i tereta na moru. U ovome je radu analiziran rad jednog pristaništa električnih brodova koji bi prevozio putnike od brodske luke Brsečine blizu Dubrovnika do Elafitskog otočja. Brodovi se pune na električnim punionicama, a električnu energiju opskrbljuju solarni paneli i elektroenergetska mreža. Razvijen je model pristaništa koji se sastoji od baterije, punjača, brodova i solarnih panela. Matematički model opisuje ponašanje sustava, koji se uz ulazne podatke cijena električne energije, proizvodnje električne energije i potražnje potrošača, unosi u matematički alat GAMS koji proračunava optimalan pogon sustava s ciljem ostvarivanja minimalnog troška pogona. Analiza osjetljivosti je provedena s obzirom na promjene ulaznih parametara poput kapaciteta baterijskog spremnika i količine solarnih panela koji proizvode električnu energiju. Electrification of different sectors, such as transport, is one of key elements of energy transition. It refers to the transition from the use of fossil fuels to the production of energy from renewable sources such as solar energy through solar panels, harnessing hydropower and wind energy, wave energy, tidal energy, etc. Additionally, eletrtification involves replacing fossil fuels in sectors that are curently the largest polluters, such as transportation. Electric transportation, such as electric cars and buses, are already available, and now electric boats are emerging that can be used for passenger and cargo transport on the sea. This paper analyzes the operation of an electric boat port that would transport passengers from the Brsečine port near Dubrovnik to the Elafiti Islands. The boats are charged at charging stations, and electrical energy is supplied by solar panels and power grid. A port model was developed consisting of a battery, chargers, boats and solar panels. The mathematical model describes the behaviour of the system that takes imput data such as the price of electricity, electricity production, and consumer demand, and inputs them into the mathematical tool GAMS, which calculates the optimal operation of the system with the aim of achieving minimal operating costs. Sensitivity analysis was conducted with regard to changes in input parameters such as capacity of the battery storage system and the quantity of solar panels that produce electricity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE